Page 65 of The Vampire Oath
No answer.
Despite the expensive furnishings and the large fire blazing in the bedroom’s hearth. The manor feels hollow… like he’s never truly lived here. It’s unsettling in a way that rivals being in a room full of hungry vampires. Feeling strangely exposed, I shiver and close the door.
Clutching the towel tighter, I sit on the edge of the tub. The air slowly cools as I wait, but I don’t want to put the dirty clothes back on. Several minutes pass with only the sound of my breathing for company. Then the distant sound of the front door opening and closing reaches me.
There’s a soft knock, and when I don’t answer, Cassius calls to me through the door. “Clara?”
Feeling foolish for acting like it could have been anyone else, I turn the knob and pull it open.
Cassius frowns. His face looks fuller, and the color that leached from his skin has returned to his cheeks. I hadn’t realized how pale and gaunt his face became on the journey.
“These are for you,” he says, shoving a bundle into my arms.
Scrambling to take the clothing without dropping the towel, I mutter, “Thank you.”
Cassius waves a hand and turns away. “It’s nothing.”
“No,” I say firmly, reaching out for his arm. He stops in his tracks and faces me as if compelled to do so. “I mean for everything.” I shake my head and swallow. “I’ve been so caught up in my mission, I didn’t see how much the three of you sacrificed to help.”
“Say no more.” He waves a hand and begins to turn away.
Stepping into the room, I block his path. “Lawrence is his friend, but you hate him,” I push.
Cassius presses his lips into a thin line. His eyes unfocus as he stares into the flames of the fire. “It’s true that I hold no fondness for him. Alaric has always had everything I’ve ever wanted and rejected it at every turn.” His shoulders slump as he drags his gaze to meet mine. “Even I can see Elizabeth’s actions are wrong.” He brushes a damp lock of hair away from my face. “But I didn’t do any of this for him, little bird. I did it for you.”
He steps in closer and cradles my face in his hands. “I am your friend, Clara. I will always be your friend.”
“Why?” I ask breathlessly. I shouldn’t push the issue. But I don’t understand why he would tie his life to mine just because he cares for me… especially when he knows my heart belongs to Alaric.
“You are a frustrating creature, constantly throwing yourself into situations without thought. How could any vampire resist that?” He smirks.
With a frustrated sigh, I step back. I want real reasons from him, to understand his motivation, not whatever this façade is where he tries to be charming and use my negative attributes as a distraction.
Cassius leans in and places a kiss on my forehead then a soft, chaste kiss on my mouth.
“We should all be so lucky to have the love of someone willing to go to the Otherworld and back for us.” He smiles and pulls away. “I know you will never be mine, little bird, and I have made my peace with that but know that I will always be here if you need someone to turn to or a place to go.”
I nod, my throat too tight to speak, even if I weren’t already lost for words.
Cassius guides me back by the shoulders until I’m in the bathing room then closes the door between us.
Quickly dressing, I try to get my brain to restart. I need to distance myself from him. While I have come to think of him as a friend, it doesn’t feel right to accept his help as I have when I will never return his feelings.
I reenter the room and Cassius has me sit in a chair before the fire and brushes the knots out with his hands as the warmth dries the strands.
Every time I want to ask how we are tied, my mouth goes dry, and my tongue feels heavy and clumsy. I should know, but I can’t bring myself to ask just yet. Curling my legs up, I close my eyes and relax into the feeling of his fingers running through my hair.
A hand tightens around my shoulder giving me a gentle shake. Blinking up at Cassius, I rub my hands over my face wondering when I fell asleep.
“The others are waiting out front with fresh horses,” he says.
Cassius loops my arm through his. I try to pull back. A crooked grin spreads over his face as he pins me to his side then leads me out of the front door.
Both Lawrence and Della look refreshed as well. Their faces are no longer sallow from the journey but full and healthy. Somehow, I will have to find a way to repay them all for everything they’ve done.
Before I can utter a word, Della motions for us to hurry.