Page 18 of Leo
He chuckled. “Not really. No matter what your blueberry pie tastes like, it’s going to be my new favorite recipe.”
Henry let out a snort as he walked into the kitchen. “Smooth. And she’s even got you cooking.” He walked over to the punch bowl to fill his glass. “Almost done?”
“Just about,” Gracie said. “Is it board game time?”
Henry chuckled. “Kate’s got it all set up. We’re just waiting for you.”
Gracie pushed the finished pie over toward the other two. “We’ll be right there.”
After washing their hands, Gracie and Leo joined Henry and Kate, and Greg and Mark, Gracie’s two other roommates. They had a lively game of Catan before they sat down to turkey dinner. During that time, Leo noticed the way the punch kept Gracie laughing and talking as if she didn’t have a shy bone in her body. It made him think that she’d be more open once she was a werebear too.
Because Kate and Gracie had done most of the cooking, the guys cleaned up after their meal. Once they were done, Leo made his way back to the living room to find Gracie.
She stood up from the couch where she had been sitting with Kate. Her smile radiated warmth, and she asked, “Want to see my room?” She grabbed Leo’s hand with excitement in her eyes like she was a child, and she led him to the second floor where there was a ladder to get into the loft. The first thing he noticed was that while you probably couldn’t see what was going on in most of the space from below, there wasn’t a whole lot of privacy concerning noise. He put his libido on hold, because his first time with Gracie was not going to be somewhere she might feel shy.
However, that didn’t stop him from enjoying the view of her round ass when she climbed up into the loft first. He stood in the middle of the room where the ceiling was at its highest and glanced around. There was a bed set at the other end and a bureau off to one side. A hanging rack containing a few items was on the opposite wall, and two wooden crates next to either side of the bed acted as nightstands. A light bulb hanging from the rafters clicked on when Gracie pulled a string, and he said, “It’s cozy up here.”
“I know it’s small.” Gracie walked over to him and looked up. “Andyoucan’t stand anywhere but the middle, but I love it.”
“I like it too. Are you happy to be out on your own?”
She nodded, but Leo saw sadness in her eyes when she sat on her bed.
He moved to sit next to her. “You’re worried about your mother.”
“I kind of am. I know I shouldn’t be. The woman is capable of taking care of herself. I guess…” She gazed past him.
“You did it for so long that you feel guilty leaving.”
“That...” Gracie’s expression turned serious. “And the fact she didn’t want me to leave.” She scowled but didn’t say more.
“I’m sure she’s fine and happy for you.”
“I suppose.” Gracie placed a hand on his chest. “But talking about my mother wasn’t why I brought you up here.”
“No?” Leo leaned in.
“No.” Gracie put a hand on his cheek and kissed him. “I’m happy to have you alone.”
“I’m happy to be here, but—”
“Shhh.” She reached up and kissed him again, and whatever fears he had about her shyness became the furthest thing from his mind.
Music blaredfrom the radio of Gracie’s Kia wagon as she drove down the access road of Sugar Mountain, and she replayed her new favorite memory as she sang along. Her insides tingled with a hint of the desire she’d felt the night before with Leo in her loft. They’d done more than kiss when they fell onto her bed to fool around, but they both agreed that their first time together should be someplace more private. It didn’t stop Gracie from imagining what might happen multiple times throughout her day, and she was looking forward to staying at Leo’s cabin after the holiday party that night.
She was on her way to the home where she grew up to get more of her things, including something nice to wear to the party that night. As she drove down the street of her former neighborhood she noticed a single light shone through the bay window of her childhood home, and sadness washed over her when she pulled into the driveway. It wasn’t that she missed living with her mother. It was because she wished that her mother was a happy person, and it broke her heart to imagine the woman miserable on her own.
Her keys jingled as she searched for the one to the house, and she moved to insert it in the lock. It slid in fine, but when Gracie tried to turn the key, it wouldn’t budge. “That’s odd,” she said as she pulled the key out and inspected it to make sure she’d used the right one. When she saw that she had, Gracie tried again. It still didn’t work, and she scowled as she rang the doorbell for her mother. She peered through the window at the top of the door to see her mother was in front of the television.
Concern filled her when she didn’t hear footsteps, and her knuckles ached after she knocked on the door loudly. “Mom!”
She noticed movement, but still her mother didn’t come to the door. Anger filled Gracie, because it wasn’t shocking to think Margo would be petty enough to ignore her. She went to the bay window in the front of the house where her mother would be facing her, and Gracie banged on the window. “Mom! I’m locked out!”