Page 19 of Leo
Her mother glared at her. “You don’t live here!”
“What? But—”
“I changed the locks. Now go away!”
Gracie stumbled back from the window in shock as if her mother had struck her.She changed the locks?But her surprise quickly faded when she realized she shouldn’t be astounded by Margo’s actions. In fact, Gracie should have expected it. She walked back to her car and climbed into the driver’s seat. The wheel was already cold in her hands when she gripped it and wondered how long Margo would stay mad. She couldn’t help the guilt over pushing her mother far enough that she’d be so mean, and it roiled in her stomach like bad food. Tears had filled her eyes by the time she got to her new house, and when Kate looked up from reading on the couch to greet her, Gracie began to cry.
“Gracie?” Kate got up from the couch and walked over to her. “What’s wrong?”
“My mother—" Gracie swiped tears off her cheeks and managed to stop her crying. “She changed the locks. She—” Gracie let out a shaky breath. “She didn’t want me to move out, and I guess when I did I, made her angry.”
“That’s horrible,” Kate said. “Surely she’ll let you get your things though.”
“Eventually she will, but—” Gracie glanced down at her jeans and long-sleeved T-shirt. She knew the jeans were okay for the employee party, but she’d planned to change into a festive sweater. She felt tears burn in her eyes again and knew her clothing should be the least of her concerns. Still, she blurted out, “I don’t have anything to wear tonight.”
Kate stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Gracie. The woman’s kindness made Gracie’s tears fall again, and Kate held her a little tighter. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Family can be so hard. But hey—" She pulled away from Gracie and smiled. “I’m awfully glad you live here now.”
Gracie pulled back and sniffed. “Thank you. I’m glad to be here too.” What had happened with her mother was done, and if she wanted to enjoy her evening with Leo she needed to find a way to push thoughts of Margo aside. She wiped the latest batch of tears from her face and took a deep breath.
Kate grabbed her hand. “Come with me. Let’s get you dolled up for the party.”
Gracie chuckled at her petite friend who was so eager to fix things. “Nothing you have is going to fit me.”
Kate glanced over her shoulder with a smile. “You underestimate my talents.”
When they got to Kate and Henry’s room, Gracie was instructed to sit on the bed while Kate went to her closet. She pulled out a hanger that had dozens of scarves on it, and she gave Gracie a sheepish grin. “I might have a problem when it comes to scarves, but they’re such an easy way to dress up a simple outfit.” She rummaged through the fabric and tugged on a teal blue scarf that had gold metallic thread woven through it. “This one will be magic with your eyes.”
Kate draped the silky fabric around Gracie’s neck and tied it in a loose knot that left the scarf covering most of the front of her T-shirt. Kate stepped back and out of the way of the mirror across from the bed. “See how the scarf becomes what someone sees? Nobody will notice you’re wearing just a T-shirt underneath. What do you think?”
Gracie stood and stroked the scarf. “That does look good. Thanks.”
“Oh, honey, I’m not done with you yet. Sit back down.” Kate pushed her playfully.
The mattress bounced when Gracie plopped down with a little drama of her own. “Should I be afraid?”
Kate laughed as she opened a jewelry box on her bureau. She turned, holding up two different earrings. “Sparkly stars or Santa?”
“Stars, I think.”
“That’s what I think too. They’ll match the faraway look you get whenever you see Leo.”
Gracie smiled at her as she took the earrings to put on. “He does make my heart skip a beat.”
“Makeup?” Kate asked as she held up an eye pencil.
“I can do that. I have some of my own.”
“I’m sure you do, but let me play fairy godmother. I’m having too much fun.”
Gracie laughed. “By all means, have at it.”
Kate not only did her makeup, but she curled Gracie’s hair to fall in waves, and when they returned to the living room, Henry was waiting for them.
He said, “Wow, you two are gorgeous. But hold on. I have the perfect thing.” He walked over to the tree and pulled two small boxes from under it and handed one to each woman. “An early Christmas present from me.”
Paper tore as they opened the packages to reveal sparkly bangle bracelets. Gracie put hers on. “Henry, these are so pretty. Thank you.” She walked over to hug him. “You and Kate have made me feel very special.”
“That’s because you are, Gracie,” Kate said.