Page 21 of Two for Alex
He stepped back to get a better angle and began to flog her in earnest, covering her flesh from shoulder to thigh, watching it turn pink as it heated from his leather kiss. She was breathing hard, the sound of her gasps syncopated with the thwack of leather against skin. Daniel was exhilarated, nearly drunk with power.
“Daniel,” Liam said after a time. “Stop a moment. Give her a chance to adjust. Help her calm down.”
Though he didn’t want to stop, Daniel obeyed his Master, dropping the flogger and moving closer to the girl. He ran his hands over her back and ass. The skin was hot to the touch. He stepped in front of her. Her chest and throat were mottled pink, her breathing labored. Gently he gripped her wrists and said, “Put your arms down.” She obeyed, still breathing hard. He wrapped her in his arms. She was so small and fragile compared to his tall, masculine lover. He was aware of his cock, hard and erect against her belly. Surely, she was aware of it too.
He reached down between her legs, cupping her cunt as she blushed. He slid his fingers down to the entrance, delighted at what he found. He looked triumphantly at Liam. “She’s soaking wet.”
“As she should be,” Liam said, grinning. He stood and Daniel could see his erect cock, pointing up toward his hip beneath the soft silk of his pants. “You did an excellent job, Daniel. Didn’t he, Alex?”
“Yes, Sir,” Alex answered throatily, ducking her head.
“Now. Enough warm-up. Get the snake, Daniel. We’ll see what this girl is really made of.”
Chapter 5
The snake whip was made from tightly braided eight-plait cowhide with a lead-loaded handle for balance. The knot at the end could deliver an especially brutal sting, as Daniel well knew from personal experience.
Instinctively Alex grabbed her bottom as she watched Daniel retrieve the implement and hand it to Liam. “We’re going to make it easy for you since it’s your first time,” Liam said. “It takes training to be able to keep your position during a single-tail whipping. I wouldn’t want you to jerk suddenly and receive a stroke where it wasn’t intended to go. You have a choice. Would you like to be bound to the cross or face down on the exam table?”
Alex stared at the whip Liam balanced lightly on his upturned palms. She could almost feel its bite on her already tender skin, still smarting from the flogger. It had been embarrassing when Daniel had touched her cunt, the telltale wetness revealing just how turned-on she’d been by the flogging. Liam was right, Daniel had a natural talent—she’d slipped into that warm, sensual place a good flogging could take her to. For her, a sensual whipping was a matter of foreplay—a means to an end, not the end in and of itself. She was ready now for a good fucking. She had yet to see Liam’s cock, but was more than eager to experience Daniel’s sizable offering, proudly bobbing from his groin in what seemed to Alex a clear invitation.
Yet it didn’t look as if she were going to be fucked in the near future, if ever. That thought unsettled her. She’d just assumed sex would be a part of this package deal. Yet these were obviously committed lovers—perhaps they wouldn’t dream of letting cunt get in the way of their homosexual love life. Shit. She really should have done her homework better, she thought with an inward sigh. They’d talked about expectations on either side as far as the specifically D/s aspects of the arrangement but never directly addressed sex. This gig wasn’t going to be nearly as satisfying if she wasn’t going to get cock.
“Alex, answer the question,” Liam said sternly. Alex stared at the tightly braided strips of leather, her skin tingling at the thought of its cruel cut.
“I’m not sure I want—” He cut her off by grabbing her hard by the hair, yanking her head back.
“I’m not asking what you want. I gave you a choice. Table or cross. That’s the only thing you have to address.”
“Table,” she gasped, stumbling slightly as he let go of her hair. Perversely, rather than being outraged by this show of brute force, Alex found herself thrilling to it. He wasn’t going to let her get away with her usual protestations and excuses. She was going to experience the single tail whether she liked it or not.
Daniel helped her onto the table, the leather cool and soft beneath her. He spread her legs, cuffing each ankle to a corner of the table. Her arms dangled over the sides. He tethered her wrists together with a chain that had been bolted to the underside of the table. A thick leather band was secured over her neck so she couldn’t lift her head.