Page 22 of Two for Alex
“Are you comfortable?” Daniel asked. The question seemed incongruous given her position, completely immobilized by the leather restraints. The table was generously padded and she was as comfortable as could be expected in the circumstances. She nodded.
The men stood behind her, out of her line of vision. Liam began to discuss technique as Alex tried not to squirm. She gasped as she felt a hand on her spread sex. She didn’t know whose hand it was, but the fingers stroking her clit were a lovely distraction from the rather technical discussion going on behind her.
The fingers were light, twirling in circles around her clit without making direct contact. She tried to push toward them, aching for more friction. One finger slid into her cunt and she groaned as it slid back down to her clit, this time finding her center, leading her quickly to the edge of climax.
The finger was abruptly removed.
Her cunt throbbed with need and she nearly cried with frustration. If her hands had been free, she wouldn’t have been able to resist rubbing herself to a fast orgasm. She knew better than to beg.
“Count for us, Alex,” Liam said. “You’re going to receive ten lashes. Don’t lose count or we’ll have to start over.”
Her orgasm utterly forgotten, Alex tensed and waited. The first stroke landed across the fleshy base of her ass cheeks, catching both with its sting. “One!” she managed. She could feel the line of fire blazing over her flesh. Another cut seared just above the first. “Two!” she screamed.
I can’t do ten, I can’t do ten, she thought wildly, though she didn’t say it aloud. “Three!” The third one was vertical across her left cheek. She began to pant. The next several strokes came rapidly. She mouthed the numbers, not sure if she was audible, the blood roaring in her ears too loud for her to tell.
Pain exploded in her nerve endings as stroke after stroke cut inexorably across tender flesh. She was going to scream. She was going to use her safeword. She couldn’t take another stroke. But before she could open her mouth, strong fingers kneaded the muscles in her back, a different set of hands smoothing something soft and emollient onto the abraded, welted skin of her poor bottom.
“You did well,” Liam murmured into her ear. He brushed her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. He stepped away again. She could hear the men speaking softly behind her. She felt a hand touching her spread cunt. The sting in her ass was juxtaposed with the ache in her sex. The hand began to massage and rub her labia, slick with her own juices.
The pain didn’t disappear, but instead began to transmute, melding into the magic wrought by the fingers to create a sensation far more powerful than mere pleasure. She saw herself in her mind’s eye as they must be seeing her—naked and bound with leather restraints to the table, her ass welted, her cunt splayed and manhandled by one or both of the men who held her captive. A fierce heat began to rise through Alex’s body, arcing through her nipples, gushing from her cunt, consuming her as she was led to the most powerful orgasm of her life.
As she lay gasping and completely spent on the table, she was dimly aware of someone speaking behind her. “She’ll do,” the voice said before she drifted away.
Alex opened her eyes. She was still on the table but the restraints had been removed. She lifted herself to her elbows and twisted around to an empty room. It was hard to believe she’d actually fallen asleep or passed out or whatever it was she had done after that amazing orgasm. She had no idea how long she’d been out.
“Liam?” she called tentatively. “Daniel?” In a moment Daniel stuck his head into the room.
“Decided to wake up, huh?” he grinned. He was again dressed in his shorts, a sleeveless white T-shirt revealing as much of his broad, sexy chest as it covered. Alex swung her legs over the side of the padded table and winced as her ass made contact with the leather.
“Ow,” she said as she hopped down, gingerly touching her bare bottom. Daniel was beside her in a moment, handing her the dress she’d discarded earlier.
“Want to see?” Daniel said.
“See?” Alex asked, confused. She pulled her dress over her head and shook her hair from her face.
“Your welts. Your badges of courage. You took quite a nice whipping for your first time.” He led her to the mirrored wall. Alex turned around, raised the hem of her dress to her waist and craned her head to look. Her ass and upper thighs were crisscrossed with long, dark pink lines. She reached back to trace one with her fingers. It was raised and tender to the touch.