Page 28 of Out of Reach
Jude poked him in the side. “I meant the comment about my not being able to walk after we’re finished doing whatever it is you were suggesting,” he said sharply.
Hawk’s lips—something Jude had always found very sensual—drew up at the corners. “I remember a few times when your legs shook so bad after we—”
Jude held his hand up. “God, just shut up.”
Hawk’s soft laughter followed Jude into the bathroom where he took his time changing into a T-shirt and sleep pants, unwanted memories of a passion he’d worked hard to forget flooding his mind. When he returned to the bedroom, Hawk hadn’t moved an inch. He was softly snoring, one hand behind his head. Expression unguarded, he looked boyishly handsome.
“Hawk.” Jude nudged him.
“Hawk, get up. You’re taking up the entire bed, and you’re still dressed.”
“Mhmph,” Hawk murmured, eyes still closed, but he began fumbling with his belt.
“For Christ’s sake,” Jude said after watching Hawk attempt unsuccessfully to open his button for the fifth time. Pushing Hawk’s hands away, Jude quickly worked it open and, after ridding Hawk of his shoes, tugged off his pants.
Socks came off next. Hawk had sexy, fine-boned feet, with long toes that Jude used to have a bit of a thing for. Out of nowhere, a memory of pressing his lips to the arch of Hawk’s foot flashed in his mind, and, annoyed, he gave one of Hawk’s toes a satisfying yank, popping the bone.
“Stop, Mom,” Hawk groaned, pulling his foot away and rolling onto his stomach.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Jude said, climbing onto the bed and pushing Hawk onto his back again. “Shirt off.” He began undoing the buttons, revealing Hawk’s broad chest, his muscled pecs sprinkled with dark hair. Remembering the way it had tickled Jude’s nose and lips when he’d kissed his way down to that silky trail just below the navel, his cock twitched.
Jerking his hands away, he smacked the sleeping man hard on the leg.
Hawk’s eyes popped open. “Ow! What was that for?”
“I’m tired of undressing you like a servant. Take off your shirt and get into bed.”
“Jesus,” Hawk muttered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Jude yanked down the covers and lay down. Turning onto his side, he stared at the wall.
Mumbling something about Jude being moody, Hawk crawled in bedside him and almost instantly began snoring again.
Hawk had been to some wild parties in the past, but never anorgy. When he got downstairs, several of the guests were passed out naked on the patio, and a few were tangled on the couches in the great room. It was weirdly unsettling, like stepping into some kind of macabre alternative reality.
He wondered if Jude had ever participated in one with Prescott. The idea made him sick. All remnants of the cocaine Hawk had seen earlier had disappeared, but the skunky odor of weed hung heavily in the air and there were a couple of suspicious-looking pills on the table. Prescott was nowhere to be seen, and Hawk hoped he’d gone to bed and wasn’t working in his office because that’s where Hawk was headed.
The sun hadn’t risen yet, and Hawk figured he had a small window of time to break into the desk drawers in the study before the servants got up. Slipping inside the small room, he breathed a sigh of relief at finding it empty and softly shut the door before crossing the room and kneeling in front of the large cherry wood desk. Pulling the slim leather case of picks from his pocket, he set them on the floor and tugged on a thin pair of gloves before getting to work.
Twenty minutes later, Hawk’s careful inspection of all four drawers had brought him exactly nothing.
Making sure he’d left them just as they’d been, he moved away from the desk toward the door, eyes snagging on the closet. Should he take the time to look through it? He was moving that way when he froze at the sound of voices in the hallway. Quietly, he backed up to the wall behind the door, stiffening when he recognized Prescott’s voice.Fuck.Should he slip inside the closet? His heartbeat picked up when he heard Jude speak.
“I was looking for you, Sam.”
Prescott chuckled. “I guess I can safely assume the frogman didn’t manage to fuck you into oblivion, then?”
Hands tightening into fists, Hawk pressed his ear to the wall so he could hear better.
“I just wanted to see if you were still up. I couldn’t sleep. Where’s Eliza?”
“She passed out over an hour ago in our room,” Prescott answered. He lowered his voice, and Hawk couldn’t catch what he said next.