Page 64 of The Sweetest Note
“Myers,” Eric says automatically before he gasps in surprise. People are so used to responding to the question, that they don’t think about it before it’s flying out their mouth.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t get a cookie for an automatic response. He has to want to help us.
Chuckling cruelly, I divest Eric of his toenail slowly and painfully.
“I kind of wish I was there right now,”Greg sighs wistfully, turning on his mic.“I haven’t tortured someone for way too damn long.”
Orion snorts in derision. “Derek’s a newbie, but he’s taken to it like a duck to water. Ask him another question,” he commands.
Right now is not a good time to get hard. Fuck my life. “Is Xav purposely isolating Lennon so she’ll give up and he can use her?”
Eric isn’t very bright because he shrugs as sweat beads on his forehead from the pain. “Yes. The little bitch needs to know no one will be able to find her in time. She’ll be a cum dumpster, and—ahhh!” he screams as I rip another toenail off.
Dickhead needs to learn some respect. For the next few hours, we pull all of the information we can from him. Until… we ask him about the location of the hospital. We left this for last by unspoken agreement. Orion and I worked well together, and when Eric started to slow down in his responses, he walked outside to light the fire pit he has outside.
“We can do this a few different ways,” Orion states, picking up a hot poker tool and examining it. “You can tell us about the location of the hospital, or I can make certain you won’t be able to shit properly again. I’ll drop you in a hole, refuse to kill you, and just feed you enough so you’ll stay alive. And unable to shit.”
Damn. I blink at the ingenuity, honestly impressed. I just wanted to repeatedly violate him for touching my girl, but I like Orion’s idea.
“Playing with your food again, children?”Greg teases us and I snort in amusement. He’s taken on the Daddy role well in this dynamic.
“Maybe?” I grin, shrugging.
“Please don’t eat me!” Eric screams and I roll my lips inwards. The man is pathetic. Of course we aren’t going to fucking eat him.
“Are you going to tell us where the hospital is?” I ask.
The fucker refuses to tell us where the hospital is even as Orion strides out to warm a poker. He screams shrilly, hurting my ears as I pull down his pants and day old boxers. Jumping to the side, I barely miss being pissed on as he releases his bladder.
“Jesus,” I curse.
“Did he get you?”Greg asks, his voice filled with glee.“Maybe I am enjoying this torture session from a safe distance, since it means staying clean.”
“You’re such an asshole, Greg,” I grouse.
“Did he piss on you, Derek?” Orion asks, his lips twisting slightly with a dark delight.
“It was a close thing. Fucker’s dick is sad looking. I never want to have to look at something so gross,” I complain.
“Are you saying you want me to shove the poker up his ass? You seemed so excited about doing it yourself.” Orion does the closest to a pout as he’s capable of and I roll my eyes.
“Spread his cheeks, and I’ll drive it through the hole!” I yell, ignoring Eric’s screams that are incoherent by this point.
“God, when are you going to just fuck and get it over with? The tension is making even me hard,”Greg protests.
Orion’s eyes heat for a moment before turning away to put on gloves. Fuck, what is happening here? This isn’t supposed to happen to me. Harems for men aren’t a thing.
“Fuck off, Greg. Aren’t you supposed to be working instead of jacking off to us torturing this asshole?” I tease him. I am fully embracing my darkness, I’ve decided. There’s no more hiding from it. I’ve always been quick to anger, but usually I could leave it all out on the field when I played football. Now I need a different way to find a release from it.
Sticking a hot poker up a rapist’s asshole seems like a good way to do that. There’s no doubt in my mind this man would have forced himself on Len if Xav gave him the green light.
“Last chance, Eric Myers,” I rumble, channeling my inner Roark. “What’s the address to Hidden Hills?”
Eric’s chest heaves, and there’s tears and snot all over his face. God, he really is a waste of space I’ll be happy to exterminate from the Earth.
“I’m sorry,” he wails. “Anything you do to me, he’ll do even worse. I can’t tell you.”
“Well, don’t tell me I didn’t offer you an out. Orion would have just snapped your neck or something easy,” I shrug.