Page 65 of The Sweetest Note
“Nah, he’d still get the poker,” Orion growls. “Eric fucking hurt her.”
My forehead furrows as I walk around Eric with the red-hot poker.Orion is flying past just obsessed.This is going to be something I’ll need to talk to Roark and Turner about later. Fuck me, that’ll be a weird conversation.
Orion pulls apart Eric’s butt cheeks, and I bark out a laugh as Eric tries to pucker. It’s not going to save him from my rod of steel. Literally. Snickering, I push it all the way in, enjoying the sizzling noise and screams.
“I think he’s learning a very important lesson, don’t you think, Orion?” I yell to be heard over the screaming.
“What’s that?” the crazy fucker asks back with a devilish smile. His lips are pouty pillows, fuck me.
“He shouldn’t touch what isn’t his. Hey Greg… do you know if executions were ever done like this?” I ask, genuinely wondering. Eric’s body bows back, his toes straining to lift him away from it, but I continue to push the implement inside of him. His screams make my soul sing in happiness. He’ll never touch Lennon again.
Greg leans in, turning on his mic.“Yeah, but they stopped because they died too quickly,”he explains with a shrug.“They usually used a larger spear, leaving the person pierced through from anus and out the mouth or chest. It was gruesome but oddly satisfying.”
Orion and I snort in amusement as Eric begins to quiet. Walking in front of him, we enjoy the last vestiges of light as they drain from his eyes.
His death was incredibly satisfying, but I’m really fucking pissed off we didn’t find out the address.
“Let’s quarter the body and then we can drive up to the pig farm so they can eat well, shall we? We aren’t setting him out to make an impression, since we needed information from him,” Orion says.
“Yeah, that’ll be good. I’m going to call some more contacts, I need to confirm my kill order for Xav and make sure it encompasses everyone working at the hospital,”Greg explains.
Nodding, we grunt in his direction as he logs off and we get to work. It looks like I’m going to be my father’s very own horse and pony show this weekend so I can get in to see my mother at the hospital.
Once there, hopefully I can find a reason to get into my father’s office to snoop. I can’t find a single drop of guilt inside of me for what transpired here today. My entire reason for living is to find Lennon and bring her to freedom.
I can’t help but feel as if time is running out for Lennon. We need to get to her before everything good inside of her is killed.
There’s a lot of things about myself that I keep away from my family. One of them is the fact that I’m a killer for hire. Tori found out when she had a crazy ex-boyfriend that was stalking her, and her response?“You should have told me, but this isn’t a deal breaker for me.”
The deal breaker was the secrets. So now, they know when I go on my business trips that I’m going to probably kill people, and neither Miguel, Tori, or Link flinch. My mercenary work typically exterminates people who are evil or are spilling state secrets. My handlers know I won’t kill children. I wish I could say that women were off the table, but Lennon’s mother is an example of how not all women are good people.
So as Orion and Derek are flirting and having way too much fun cutting the body up into easy to transport pieces, I’m making calls.
“Sir, I was checking on the status of Xavier Pontus’ kill order,” I explain as Aiden Gael answered the phone. He knows I’m not here for niceties, I want my damn kill order after pursuing Xav for so many years.
Year after year, he shows the government he’s an asset to our country and they deny my request. Not today.
“Agent Fox,”Aiden sighs. “Give me your evidence one more time, and I’ll bring it to the board. We’ve gone around and around with this and while I agree he needs to be put down, he is very good at his job. He’s developing new medication, torture techniques that find results, and Xavier is the guy you send in if you need interrogation.”
“What if he’s using his skills on a civilian who has done nothing wrong, someone in the media’s eye, in an effort to skew an election in someone’s favor?” I rush out before he can hang up on me.
Aiden is fair, but he’s pretty tired of my vendetta too.
“Who and how and what?”Aiden asks in exasperation.
I’ve been in contact with other people about what’s going on with Lennon to get an extraction team together, but I was waiting for more information before speaking to him.
Every scrap of information I have pours out of me. Some of it are things I’ve tracked down, things we heard Grant tell Xav, what was tortured out of Eric, and everything Orion found out. I’m not leaving anything to chance today.
Aiden sighs as I wind down. “Fuck me,”he groans and I snort.
“With all due respect, you’re not my type. I have a big ask though, and I need you to say yes, Sir,” I say hesitantly.
Aiden sighs, and I hear a thump on the other end of the line. The man is sometimes dramatic. “God, what could you possibly want? A carte blanche kill order?”