Page 47 of The Lost Melody
“Excuse me, what did you say I can do?” Miranda asks, popping her head in. It’s clear she was walking towards the kitchen and heard just her name.
“Um, I need you to inject a tracker under my skin so I don’t get lost again,” Lennon says primly, turning to face Miranda.
There’s weird vibes between my girl and our nurse, and I’m unsure why. Lenny doesn’t look scared of her, but rather as if she doesn’t know where she stands.
“Why? And you weren’t exactly lost,” Miranda says, folding her arms across her chest.
“No, but I’m about to be bait for some really dangerous men, and if something goes wrong I want to know someone will be able to fucking find me,” Lenny bites out.
Miranda blinks at her processing. “Greg, what the fuck are you about to do?” she asks, not bothering to look away from Lennon.
“A lot. I’m about to do a lot of really fucked up shit. I know you have a tracker or two up in your supplies. Can you just do this?” he insists, sounding frustrated.
“Just a day in the life,” she mutters. “Yeah, I’ll chip her like a goddamn dog, why not?”
Lennon’s jaw drops in surprise as Miranda storms out. “What is her problem?!” she explodes. “Did I do something to her?”
“No, I don’t think it’s you. It’s definitely a ‘her’ situation, and I’ll talk to her. Are you sure you want to do this? It’s completely up to you,” Greg says and she nods.
“Yeah, I’m in. What’s the plan for Orion and this job to kidnap me?” Lennon asks, crossing her arms across her chest.
Her hands tremble slightly, and I’m unsure if it’s the withdrawals, or if she’s scared. Shit, it honestly could be both. I meet Turner’s eyes, and he gets up and leaves the room.
“We’ll give it a few days so you’re more yourself, and Orion is going to begin the “search” for you. He’s going to report to the contact on the job listing regularly as he looks. Then, on the third day of his search, I’m going to have you drive out and slide your credit card at a gas station a few hours drive from here. I want it to look as if you’re lying low and in hiding,” Greg explains. “This way it appears as if Orion caught a lucky break. He’ll report that he’s found you, ‘kidnap you’, and arrange for a place to make the drop. It’ll also give us time to create the forged documents they’re requesting,” Greg explains.
Taking a deep breath, she nods. “Will Orion make those documents or someone else? I don’t need to know this, but I want to see all of the moving pieces,” Lennon says softly.
Orion leans into her, rubbing her arm. “I’m not as good at forging as some of the people Greg has on his team, Lennon, so I’ll sit that part out,” he says.
Turner walks back in with a glass of ice water, and I sigh in relief as he hands it to her.
She leans into him with a nod as she takes a small sip. “Okay, let’s do it. The sooner I have some normalcy, the better.”
Miranda snorts as she walks into the room and Greg’s face turns red.What in the actual fuck.
Orion stands, stepping into her line of sight so she can’t get around.
“If you do not change your attitude right now, I shall have Greg relieve you of your responsibilities. You’re here because you are supposed to be the best person to help her. Lennon has gone through too much to have to deal with your bullshit. Is this a personal issue you have with my girl?” Orion growls.
We all suck in a breath. Well, he’s officially making his claim. Lennon’s eyes are wide, but she doesn’t seem to mind him standing up for her.
Turner hasn’t sat yet, and just stands next to Orion to solidify his stance.
Miranda sighs. “You’re right. I have a very real issue with trackers, is all. I wish it wasn’t necessary.”
“There's a woman who is currently in a solitary confinement cell in our facilities named Prescott Jones,” Greg drawls.
Lennon’s head snaps towards him so quickly, she winces in pain. I huff at her, bringing up my hand to rub her neck.
“What does she have to do with anything? Other than being a twatapotamus?” she asks.
Greg rolls his eyes. “She’s a traitor and was working with your mother and Grant,” he explains. “My point, Miranda, is whatever your reason for acting like a bitch, Lennon has had her share of mean girls. I’d say enough to last a lifetime. So stop stomping around over some slight or your own trauma, and realize this isn’t about you.”
Miranda stops breathing, and I realize Greg is absolutely right. I wonder if he even knows what the issue is, because he’s staring at her so intently.
“Take a breath, Miranda,” Orion barks, and she startles, gasping for air.
“Sorry, sorry,” she murmurs. “You’re absolutely right, this is my shit, and I’ll rein it in. I’ll administer the tracker if it’s what you want, Lennon.”