Page 48 of The Lost Melody
“It is… what I want,” Lennon says softly, her eyes lingering on her nurse. Someone hurt Miranda badly, and she was triggered. I can’t imagine what she’s been through, but I won’t allow it to spill over to Lennon.
She doesn’t deserve that.
Miranda nods, and the guys shift so she can move to my side. Opening a box, she pulls out an injection.
“This will track your location, heart rate, sleep, and a few other things. I’m going to inject it into your hand, as it’s typically an area most people forget to check when they’re looking for trackers. You’ll feel a small pinch, but it won’t affect you from doing anything, and it will not feel sore. It’s one of the tiniest trackers we have access to,” she explains.
I notice how she said it’s the tiniest tracker “they have access to,” and not what’s on the market. This is secret spy shit, but I don’t care. Anything could happen while Greg and his team are hunting the people who hurt Lennon, and I won’t leave anything to chance.
Lennon holds her left hand out boldly, and Miranda shakes her head. “I need your least dominant hand. While I know it won’t affect motor function, I’d prefer it.”
“How did you know that’s her dominant hand?” Derek asks, surprised.
I wait, curious as well.
“People tend to offer their dominant hand reflexively,” Miranda explains, taking Lennon’s right hand when she offers it.
The injection takes just a few seconds, and I release the air I didn’t realize I was holding. “Circle back to Prescott, Greg, because it didn’t escape my notice,” Lennon lectures.
I squeeze her to me, kissing her forehead. “Drink some more water for me, would ya?” I ask.
She looks over at me drolly, but picks it up from the table she had discarded it on earlier. Taking a decent sized sip, Lennon looks up at Greg.
“Damn, I was hoping you’d forget,” he mutters. Looking over at Miranda, he dismisses her. “Thank you for taking care of the tracker, we’ll continue our meeting now.”
She nods, picking up her things and leaving. I’d feel bad if she hadn’t made Lenny so uncomfortable.
“Prescott has been sexually involved with Carrie O’Reilly and Grant for the last three or four months from what I understand,” he begins.
Lennon shudders and Derek scoots over to wrap his arm around her. Orion huffs but sits next to him. Turner sits on the coffee table, leaning forward expectantly.
He had noticed Prescott first at the hospital, and his eyes narrow shrewdly in concentration.Was she a plant this entire time?
Her father works for the label, and has for years. It’s possible they decided to use her.
“I will never be okay with my mother’s sexual exploits,” Lennon grimaces.
“I think my dad never stopped fucking her,” Derek sighs.
Orion grunts and I look over at him. “Xav met Carrie eight years ago, he told me when he was in a sharing mood while Lennon was passed out. I am not aware of the circumstances, but he told me he had her sterilized so she could fuck whoever she wanted to. There was this familiarity in how he spoke with her, I wouldn’t be surprised if they also share a sexual relationship,” he admits.
“Oh fuck no,” Lennon breathes. “I’m officially completely convinced I did something in another life to deserve fucked up parents. Moving on from who my mother is fucking, do you think Prescott was always their little minion? She was an alright manager to begin with, but she steadily got meaner and meaner for no reason.”
“She’d ‘forget’ to tell us when we had recording sessions,” Turner agrees, shaking his head.
“Prescott would over schedule us, and then say we were lazy and the label expected the band to earn our keep,” Lenny continues.
“She tried to poison what I thought of you all. Granted, I was already pretty fucked up by our shared past, but she fed into my anger,” Derek says.
“It’s definitely possible she has been Carrie and Grant’s plant as well this entire time,” Greg sighs. “We found her in a padded cell, staring into space, talking to herself. She’s currently being detoxed, but her experience is much less enjoyable than yours was. You didn’t have it easy either, but she’s receiving bare minimum for treatment, and I can’t bring myself to care. She’ll survive the detox, but I don’t know what to do with her yet.”
Lennon takes a deep breath, her body shaking. It only takes me a moment when I duck my head to look into her eyes, to realize it’s in anger.
“I was nice to her,” she rasps, her voice breaking because she’s so mad. “I never understood why Prescott would say such nasty things to me, but now it all makes sense.”
Derek blows out a breath, laying back on the couch, keeping the end of one of Lenny’s braids between his fingers. It’s like we all need to remind ourselves that she’s really here.
“Which is why I’m allowing her basic care, but she’s being detained. No one knows where she is, and Prescott hasn’t been reported as missing. This’ll give me time to scare the shit out of her. When things are a little calmer, you can speak to her. She lied to authorities too when everyone was interviewed, so she could go to jail for it,” Greg muses. “I just wanted you to know I had her. She’s not going anywhere, and she can’t hurt anyone, okay?”