Page 102 of Because of Blake
He stares at me a good while, his chest heaving as he collects himself and lowers his arm. No words come through his quivering jaw, just heavy, shaking breaths.
Then, his chin stops trembling and he sets his mouth into a straight line. The fear and worry dissolve from his eyes, replaced with a fury. The likes of which I’ve never seen. His fists ball at his sides. He looks like he’s ready to pound someone’s face into the dirt, but I’m not scared. Blake would never hurt me, I know that.
“Blake, I–”
“Don’t,” he growls, pushing past me and into the house.
I close the door and latch it, but don’t turn around.
“What the fuck is going on, Maggie? I sent you a text hours ago to check on you, and not only do you not respond, but you ghost me all day? Even Michelle couldn’t reach you!”
He called Michelle? Again? Indignation flares in me once more at the idea of him and Michelle going behind my back.
“If you hadn’t answered the door, I would’ve called the cops!”
I spin around, a nasty glare plastered on my face. If it looks as angry as I feel, Blake should be backing off any second, but he doesn’t. He stands with a similar glare cemented to his features. He’s as mad as I am.
“The cops? Really, Blake?”
“What else would you have me do?”
“I don’t know, call my kids, maybe?”
He swallows. “And get Sydney worried something happened to you? Have her finish out her school day in terror over whether her mom was alright?”
I bite my lip. I hadn’t thought of that.“Blake, I told you I needed some space.”
“Yes, I know. And I’ve been giving it to you, haven’t I? I’ve been respecting your need for alone time. I thought maybe you could respect my need to know you’re at least alive up here.”
Guilt builds in my gut, and I look away.
“Look, I didn’t come here to fight.” His tone softens, though it’s laced with irritation. “When you didn’t answer any of my messages I freaked out, but I didn’t want to encroach on your space. That’s why I called Michelle. When she said she hadn’t heard from you, and couldn’t reach you either, I really freaked out. I– I was thinking the worst had happened.” His voice shakes as he says the words.
Now I really feel guilty. “Blake, I’m not suicidal, never have been. I wouldn’t do that to my kids.” Losing one parent was bad enough, but to lose both? I shudder at the thought. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Worried doesn’t even begin to describe it. I was downright terrified.”
Blake walks to me, stopping in front of me and taking my hands in his. “Maggie, will you please talk to me? Please get whatever is going on in your head out so I can help you with it.”
I keep my gaze on the floor, but my eyes well with tears.
“Maggie? Please? Even if it’s only a few minutes, I’ll listen.” He tugs on my hands, pulling me into the house and to the living room.
I have no fight left in me, so I let him. We take a seat on the couch and Blake wraps a blanket around me. I glance at the clock, noting the fact we have forty-five minutes until my kids get home. We should have enough time to talk with me inevitably crying, and finish so I don’t upset the kids.
Blake reaches over, taking my hand and squeezing. “Rule number two.”
I meet his soft gaze, an easy grin spread on his face, and my heart melts. There isn’t a single sign of anger or frustration, only love. “First, I do want to say how sorry I am for scaring you. I never meant to.”
“I know, but I wish you would’ve told me what a hard time you’ve been having instead of telling me you were fine all the time.”
“That’s just it, though. Every time I said it, I really was fine. Ask Sydney. She even commented on how well I’ve been doing. Up until today.” I drop my gaze, retracting my hand from Blake’s.
“Because today is Charlie’s birthday?”
I swallow down the lump in my throat and nod.