Page 62 of Because of Blake
A workout will help.
I slip out of bed without bothering Blake, and head to the basement. A quick flip through my exercise app has me deciding on yoga. It’s not super intense, which will allow my mind to work through all these thoughts. Although, my slinky camisole and shorts set aren’t ideal, they’ll be fine for this sort of workout.
About halfway through the video, I’m feeling much better. The thoughts and emotions ebb while my body gets a good stretch. I inhale deeply and move into downward dog, exhaling all my anxiety through my lips.
“Practicing new positions for bed? If so, I like that one.” Blake’s voice cuts into my concentration, and I yelp.
“Blake, you scared me!” I collapse onto my knees, turning my head over my shoulder to look at him before moving back into my stretch.
“Sorry. I woke up and you weren’t in bed, so I decided to come find you.” His gaze is fixed on me, desire blazing. “I’m glad I did.”
My cheeks heat as he glides past me, dragging his fingers up the back of my thigh and over my ass. “You can’t be down here if you’re going to distract me.”
He raises his hands in the air. “Okay, okay.” Taking a seat on the couch, he leans back and puts his hands behind his head. “So, you do yoga?”
“Yes, I do yoga.” I breathe in and out, and move into warrior one. “It helps clear my head.”
“What needs clearing out?”
“Stuff from our conversation about the kids from yesterday.”
“Oh,” Blake says, sounding dejected.
I lean back into reverse warrior. “I know I said the kids will have to adjust, but we’re going to have to make some concessions.”
“Like what? I know you probably won’t be spending the night at my house and there won’t be any random, middle of the day sex.” I hear a throaty groan from him as I pinwheel out of my stance and back into downward dog. “Speaking of...”
“No distracting me, remember?”
“Fine.” He huffs and folds his arms across his chest.
“You’re right, I won’t be spending the night at your house, but you won’t be spending the night here, either.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, for one thing, I’m worried it’ll freak out the kids to have another guy in their dad’s spot, but also, I can’t be quiet.” As I move through into warrior one on my other leg, I glance at Blake, whose smug expression gives me an idea. I take a big breath, puffing out my chest.
Blake groans, running his hand down his face to scratch at his beard. “Okay, no sleepovers, but is that, like, forever?”
“No, of course not. Once the kids adjust to you being around, you can stay whenever you want, but sex will have to wait.” As I release my breath, I bend in reverse warrior again, glancing at Blake over my shoulder. “Which means we need to take advantage of this week.”
Blake’s mouth curves into a mischievous grin as he gets up from the couch. He sidles up behind me as I move through my vinyasa into downward dog for the last time. His hips meet the back of my thighs, and he hardens against my ass. When his hands grip my hips, pulling me closer, I gasp.
“Then yoga needs to be finished.”
Chapter nineteen
Sittinginmycarat the summer camp headquarters, I anxiously await my kids’ arrival while my toes bounce around in my shoes wildly. I’ve come up with so many ways to tell them about me and Blake, but keep scrapping them for what I believe to be better ones. The only thing all my plans have in common is to wait until I’ve buttered them up with their choice of dinner and Friday night entertainment. It’s my only hope.
I jump at the sound of Michelle’s ringtone. “Hey, Michelle.”
“What’s wrong? You sound out of breath. Are you with Blake?”
“Ha ha. No. I’m waiting for the summer camp bus to drop off the kids. I was deep in thought when you called and scared me.”
“Oh, sorry. Speaking of Blake, when am I gonna meet him?”
My heart speeds up and again my toes wiggle in my shoes. “Um, I don’t know. He works all week, and now that the kids are coming home, I’ll be with them a lot.”