Page 90 of Because of Blake
Weeksgobyandmy promise to myself for more Maggie and Blake time has been broken.
Valentine’s Day was perfect. So was the next morning. After that, everything has fallen apart. Sydney comes home with her first ever C- on a test and is in shambles for days. She’s always been proud of her academic skills, as have I, so this is a devastating blow. I have to tell Blake to give us some space.
Then, work explodes with new clients and my caseload doubles. I end up having to not only work Tuesdays and Fridays, but I have to be in the office to get everything done by my deadline of March 1st. So much for going part-time.
And, par for the course, Dylan brings home the most horrendous cold and shares it with Sydney. Magically, I don’t get it, but my kids are out of commission for a week between the two of them, and much like last time, I can’t allow Blake to be around us until I know we aren’t contagious anymore.
This all happens in three weeks. I’m exhausted.
So, when Blake’s ringtone comes echoing through the air, my heart flutters and sinks at the same time. “Hello,” I say, in my most sultry voice.
“Hello? Who is this? I’m looking for Maggie.”
I pinch my nose shut, changing my tone to a hoarse, nasally one. “Maggie’s not here right now, Mr. Averson.”
“You’re a little too convincing, Danny.” I can almost hear Blake shiver through the phone. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, you know. Catching up on depositions. You?” I glance at the clock, it’s almost noon. He’s on lunch.
“Just stepped out for lunch.”Nailed it.“Me and the guys are getting tacos, but I thought I’d take a minute to check in with you. How’s everything going?”
He misses me. He’s fishing for a lead on when we can hang out.“I think everything is finally under control again. Sydney picked up some extra credit, so her grade is back up to ninety-five percent. They’re both completely done with the cold and I guess I’m not getting it, knock on wood.” I rap my knuckles on my desk. “And I’m about to hit send on the last of my work and head to lunch myself. I think that’s it.”
“Good, I’m glad things are back to normal.”
“Well, almost everything.” I sound more pathetic than I intend.
“That’s actually part of the reason I was calling. What are you and the kids doing Friday after school?”
I think for a minute.Friday, Friday, Friday.I’m off on Friday. Like, actually off. No more extra shifts for me. And the kids aren’t doing anything I know of. “Nothing. We’re completely free.”
“Good. I’m taking us all out to celebrate your birthday.”
Shit. Is it my birthday already?I open the calendar on my computer. Yep, there it is. March 17th, staring me right in the face. When I was in college, I used to love sharing my birthday with St. Patrick, but those days are long behind me. I stifle a gag at the memory of how green food coloring tastes in Coors Light. “No green beer, okay?”
Blake outright laughs. “I’ll take beer off the list. Besides, the kids are coming.”
“Oh, yeah. You said all of us. Okay, what are we doing?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out. I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you when I’m off. Love you, Maggie.” He hangs up before I can even reply.
He never waits. Probably because he knows I won’t answer.I sigh. It’s not that Blake isn’t amazing, and it isn’t at all that I don’t have strong feelings for him. It’s just, saying “I love you” to a man who isn’t Charlie sounds strange in my mind. I can only imagine how it would taste on my tongue if I said it out loud.
I shake my head to clear it. “Enough.” I close my laptop, swiveling in my chair to grab my purse and coat. I deserve a Starbucks pastry for all my work.
Friday comes, and I’m honestly surprised my doorbell hasn’t rung all day. Blake is absolutely the kind of guy who would take the day off, show up on my doorstep unannounced, and dote on me every single second we’re together.
But no one has come to my door. My phone hasn’t even buzzed since my happy birthday text from Michelle this morning.
I run my hand down my pencil skirt. As I was expecting Blake earlier, I made sure I was more presentable than on Valentine’s Day. I check the time. The kids should be home any minute.
I’m sitting at my kitchen table, nibbling at my afternoon snack, when my phone finally dings. I pick it up so fast it nearly flies out of my hands. I’m laughing at myself as I click the messages.
My heart sinks.
MICHELLE:Hey, what are you doing?
ME:Sitting here waiting for Blake to call.