Page 91 of Because of Blake
MICHELLE:You poor lovesick fool. Go outside and get some fresh air or something.
ME:Did you text me to berate me?
MICHELLE:;)No. I need Mexican food and margs, stat. My treat. You let me know when you’re available and we’ll make it a bday present. Cool?
ME:Sure, sounds good.
MICHELLE:Sweet. See you later. Now GO OUTSIDE.
MICHELLE:In the front yard.
My smile turns into a frown as I pull my eyebrows together. Why is she being so assertive? And why did she specify the front yard?I shrug, down the last of my tea, and head to the front door. I pause when I grab the knob, my heart fluttering a mile a minute.
Get a grip, Maggie.
I shake my head. Opening the door, I step onto my porch, but I gasp and stop in my tracks as I lay eyes on Blake standing in my front yard with Dylan and Sydney on either side of him. Sydney’s holding her phone while Dylan has a Bluetooth speaker in his hands. Both of them have giant smiles on their faces.
Blake is smiling, too, but his is more mischievous.
“What are you guys doing?” I ask.
Sydney shares a look with Dylan before glancing up at Blake who gives her a crisp nod. She taps her fingers on her phone and music pours from the speaker.
He’s not going to strip in my front yard, is he? I giggle at the thought, but stifle it so I don’t hurt their feelings. But then, I recognize the song. It’s “Shut Up and Dance With Me”by Walk the Moon. Definitely not a stripping song.
Blake begins lip syncing again as he takes steps toward me. When he reaches the porch, he extends his hand. I take it, reluctantly, and he yanks me down into the yard, wraps his arms around me, and sways us to the music. We dance the entire song in my front yard as our neighbors watch from their yards, windows, and even cars as they drive past. A few even honk their horns.
I throw my hand over my surely red face, but he pulls it away and locks eyes with me. Blake doesn’t bat an eyelash. He just keeps dancing. And he’s pretty good, even with his clothes on.
The song ends and Blake dips me dramatically to finish our dance. Dylan and Sydney clap wildly with Sydney jumping up and down on her toes. When Blake pulls me back, he plants his lips on mine in a tender kiss and whispers, “I told you I had surprises.”
“You never cease to amaze me, Blake Averson.”
“Mom, that was so fun!” Dylan comes rushing up to us, throwing his arms around me and squeezing.
“Yeah, Mom. Who knew you could move like that?” Sydney chimes in, a little more sarcastic than I’d like, but I’ll take the compliment.
I ruffle Dylan’s hair. “I was young once, you know. Now, you two go in and put your stuff away. Get out any homework you have for the weekend so we don’t forget to do it.” I eyeball Dylan mainly since Sydney is working hard to keep up her GPA.
The kids groan as they disappear through the door, and I turn to Blake, my hands on my hips. “Dancing in my front yard? Really?”
“Hey, they can’t all be stripteases,” he whispers against my ear and, suddenly, my cheeks feel hotter.
“Too bad.” I kiss him softly. “Did you really tell Michelle to text me about coming to the front yard?”
“Nope. Sydney did.” The smugness in his tone is palpable.
“Sneaky. So, was this your big plan for today?”
His eyebrows furrow. “If you think this is all I have in store for you, then you don’t know me at all, Ms. Hansen.” He takes my hand, tugging me toward the house. “Now, come on. You can’t go out with us wearing that.”
“They’re after me!” Blake squeals as he jumps past me from one trampoline to another.
I laugh watching him, Dylan, and Sydney chase each other around the indoor trampoline park. They’ve started some game of tag with Blake being the target. The three of them zip around, Blake narrowly escaping the kids’ hands each time.
I double over in laughter as my two children corner Blake and tackle him to the ground. Dylan rushes up to me first. “Mom! Did you see? We got him good!” He fist pumps into the air and bounces away.
Sydney ambles over with Blake, patting him on the shoulder before scooting off to another play area. Blake sidles up to me and wraps his arm around my waist, kissing my temple. “Having a happy thirty-seventh birthday?”