Page 24 of The Reality Duet
This time there isn’t any multiple-choice answer to pick from. Joey looks at me mouthing two of the three, but I’m not sure what the last one is. The clock ticks down as I shake my head. “Just press something because I don’t know.”
Her face falls and I know she’s thinking that we just lost. She wanted to leave the house, too, not that I can blame her.
What does croquis painting mean?
“This is easy,” she says as she presses the button. I don’t have a clue as to what she just answered though.
“What’s the answer?”
“To draw or paint a naked model.” Her answer is so nonchalant that I need to know more.
“How do you know that?”
Joey shrugs. “I may have done some modeling early in college.”
My mouth hangs open, completely dumbfounded by her admission. Joey steps back, getting my attention. Only she doesn’t need to, she has it all. My eyes travel down her back and over her ass as images of her naked filter through my mind. I know I’m not doing her body justice. And damn if I don’t want to try my hand at painting later.
“Do you know this one?” she hisses, shaking me from my daydream. I squint at the screen, even though I don’t need to, and look at the question.
What actor plays Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men?
I press the button for Patrick Stewart and give her a ‘what the hell’ look. “You haven’t seen X-Men?”
She shakes her head. I mean it’s not the end of the world, but most women I know have the movies because of all the “eye-candy” as they call us men. Objectifying us every chance they get.
“Wow, I’m shocked.”
“Don’t be. My ex doesn’t like sci-fi.”
“Yeah well you’re married to me now, aren’t you?” Word vomit is what I’m suffering from. Joey stiffens and I know I’ve set her off again. I need duct-tape for my mouth.
“This is our last question,” she reminds me. At this point I don’t think we have a chance, but whatever.
What does RB stand for in football?
Joey pushes the button so fast I don’t have time to finish reading the question. “Do you think we got that one right?”
“I know we did,” she says confidently. I wish she’d turn around and look at me, but I’m getting the cold shoulder––the very cold one I deserve. Finding a way to fix my mistake isn’t going to be easy. Joey wants what I can’t give her even though I want to. I was never supposed to fall in love with her, or anyone for that matter.
Why’d she have to be so damn perfect?
“Newlyweds, it was close,” Patrick starts. Right now I only want to win so we can have some privacy to talk. We have one more night in the master suite until our competition tomorrow, so I could man up and talk to her tonight. Or I can chicken out and hide downstairs with Gary and Cole until I know she’s asleep.
“You’re all separated by a few seconds. In third, Josh and Joey.”
“Shit,” I mumble. “It had to be that Sea World question.”
Joey nods, not looking at me.
“And tonight’s winner. . . Cole and Millie!”
“That was rigged,” I say as they jump up and down, while the rest of us clap with little enthusiasm. Joey sidesteps me and goes to congratulate the winners. I tag behind her, with my tail between my legs, and wish them luck. Before Joey can escape, I grab her hand and pull her into the house and up our suite.
“We need to talk about last night,” I say as soon as I shut the door. I look around our room for any evidence that we got a bit freaky, you know with a painting hanging sideways or random contents on the floor. The floor. . . I look around the bed for the condom wrapper, but don’t see one. Did she clean up after me?
“Josh, we got drunk and played a game. Games like that tend to teach you a little more about your friends.”
“Joey, we had sex. Sex isn’t a game. I took advantage of you, so if you want to hit me or yell at me, I can take it.” I spread my arms out wide and close my eyes. When I don’t feel the pounding on my chest, I peek out of one eye to find her staring at me confusingly. “What?”