Page 38 of Home Wrecker
“Complacency? Comfort? My closest friends show up when I least expect it. I’m not ready to leave it behind the way they are. Maybe I worry if I do, there won’t be anything out there for me, and I’ll have lost what I had.”
“You’ve got me.” Cary’s fingertips trace the curved lines of my ass. The feather-soft touch sends anticipatory chills up my tense spine. “I tried waiting up for you.”
“Why?” I ask. Except his wandering fingertips make it obvious.
“I started thinking about how hot you always look leaving for work and if any guys you served tonight wanted to take you into an alcove and close the curtain. How many of them were interested in sticking their cocks into your honeypot.”
Cary’s hand dips between my legs, and my body tightens at his words. No one’s talked dirty to me with the candor he does.
After we started dating, Cary and I made a deal for him to stay away from Sweet Caroline’s. Unless I, Carver, or someone associated with the club invited him to a bigger event, Cary sticks to his world filled with upstanding citizens. Although, I’d never admitted my main reason behind it was I hadn’t wanted to watch women looking at him with the same appreciation club clientele appreciates the dancers. Aside from female staff members, we have plenty of female guests. Tonight when Laurel texted to say he was staying for dinner, I was thrilled. But I also found myself wanting him closer and for Cary to sit on the stool Trig used to occupy. He can’t do that at night and get to the dealership in time for him to do his job the next day.
It wasn’t the first time having a third shift job put a crimp in my life. I’m falling for Cary, but I can’t give it up. I put my future on the line for a man before. Bhodi and I need the security if Cary comes to his senses and finds someone his own age.
“Are you jealous?” I ask, hiding my misgivings.
“No.” His lips flutter against my shoulder. “They can stare all they want. This sweetness is all mine.”
I yawn. Cary moves his palm, caressing up toward my spine, and rests his hands on my lower back. With the action, a part of me is disappointed. The massage had loosened my tight muscles.
“You’re not going to put your cock in me?” I frown, missing the closeness of making love to him.
“I like active participation, Doll.”
“Having an orgasm is participating.”
Cary chuckles in the dark. “Rest. I’ll be here when you wake.”
The air in the room is still. I’ve got cottonmouth and the beginning of a dehydration headache. Curious, because I don’t drink on the clock.
I kick the sheet off of my sticky legs and flop them over the mattress onto the floor. The wood under the soles of my feet lacks its usual coolness. I sneer, making an ugly ass face, wiping the sleep away from my eyes, and stretching. I’m not a morning person, I pretend to be one for everyone else’s sake.
On the other side of the door, I hear wing-tipped footsteps and Cary’s voice. I’m glad he hasn’t left for the dealership, but I can’t take comfort in his promise that he’ll make love to me before leaving. He’s already dressed for work.
I’m a sweaty mess. I throw on something cute so he’ll ignore my bedhead and the bags under my eyes from working Friday through Sunday. Then I head for the kitchen, hoping there’s coffee left in the pot to perk me up and time to have a cup with him.
Cary’s begun spending the night here when I’m not on the schedule at Sweet Caroline’s. Yesterday was the first time that he hung out for the evening while I was at work.
With the boys gone, there was no reason for me to sit at home. I’d juggled shifts and given Kelsey Saturday off and enjoyed the extra cash the clients passed my way. Normally, it’s a day of the week I hoard for myself so I can see Cary more often on the weekends and enjoy a stretch of the summer. Unless it’s a couples’ thing, we take Bhodi wherever we go. I’m not included on big brother event weekends for obvious reasons. It doesn’t bother me. Though admittedly, I was down in the dumps not being here when they got in from the campout to ask my boys about the fun they had.
With her cell to her ear, my sister is pacing by the kitchen table. Cary is doing the same near the sink.
“That’s the soonest we can get a service call?” Laurel’s jaw scrapes the linoleum. She ends the call and slumps defeated in a chair nearby my plants on the windowsill.
“I don’t know when I’ll be in, maybe lunch? Something’s come up. Hold on.” He covers the receiver to talk to Laurel. “What’s happening?”
“Another company that’s backed up. Two days to get out here to even look at the unit. Another seven to ten if it needs replacing.”
Cary blows out a breath and returns to his call. “Hey, can you text me the name of our HVAC repair? The air conditioning is out at my girlfriend’s place. Her sister has called three companies and is getting nowhere.”
I notice the pit stains on Cary’s shirt and that the temperature didn’t drop when I walked out of my bedroom. It’s got to be over eighty degrees in the entire condo. No wonder my skin is sticky.
“Where are the kids?” I ask Laurel.
She motions outside. “Filling the kiddie pool. It’s a sauna on the second floor.”
“As if it’s not down here.”