Page 39 of Home Wrecker
The crease in my sister’s forehead proves she agrees.
We peer over the plants, watching Bhodi and Emory use the garden hose while Cary takes a second call. He hangs up and walks up behind us. Wrapping his arms around my upper shoulders and tugging me against his chest, he kisses the back of my head. We’re quicker to part because it’s stifling.
“Hot enough for you?” he jests before acknowledging a questioning look on Laurel’s face. “Good news is my guy can be here this afternoon. Bad news is he’s saying the same thing. If it’s busted, you’re looking at seven days to order and install a new system. Middle of the summer is not when you want your air conditioner to die.”
“What was I thinking asking for the house in the divorce?” My sister throws up her hands in frustration.
“That you were keeping a roof over your daughter’s head?” My right cheek bunches.
I feel awful for Laurel. She’s responsible for everything that breaks, and the cost of this repair is mammoth. We’ll figure out a payment plan with the service company. At least I can pitch in for more than I could have if this happened a few months ago. My son and I live here too, and I won’t leave the burden up to Laurel.
“How are we going to manage the heat until it’s fixed?” She’s ready to cry.
“I’ve got two ideas,” Cary suggests. “I can run out to get a bunch of window air conditioners at the hardware store. Dusty is over at Cece’s. Laurel called him first for recommendations and he offered to help me set them up if I ran into any trouble.” He informs me.
“We can’t let you do that. It’s too expensive.” Laurel balks.
In agreement, but seeing few other options, I run for my purse. “What’s the second idea?” I question, searching my wallet for the hundred or so I made in tips Sunday night.
“How do you ladies feel about an all-expenses paid beach vacation?”
Laurel insists Bhodi and I go to the Outer Banks alone with Cary, but he won’t hear of letting my sister stay behind to swelter. It takes a lot of smooth-talking on Cary’s part and coercion from me to get my sister to call in sick. She also has to contact Emory’s dad to adjust my niece’s visitation schedule.
Laurel’s ex, Bennett, doesn’t offer to help with the air conditioner repair bill, but he also doesn’t stand in my sister’s way when she lets him know the reason for the impromptu trip. What Bennett’s most concerned about is seeing his daughter, and they agree he can have Emory an extra day each of the next few weeks to make up for it.
Amazingly, there are men like my former brother-in-law who give a damn about their children.
Cary leaves us to pack and I log onto Sweet Caroline’s scheduling system. I put in for my vacation time and flip a few of the stronger employees around so Kelsey has good back-up if anything goes awry. Then I call her about the changes, whip off a text to Morgan and the guys who hang at the mill asking if they’ll check in on her, and finally hold my breath as I hit dial on Jake’s number.
“Is she able to handle it for the entire week?” a groggy Jake demands about Kelsey.
I’m sure Jake asked Kimber this same question when I was the new assistant manager. Kelsey hasn’t been around long enough to have earned Jake’s seal of approval.
“If she can’t, she has you on speed-dial.” No different from me. “You could, I don’t know, show up and help?”
“That’s what I pay you to do.”
I huff. “You also give me paid vacation, Jake, and like hell am I letting it go to waste. It’s the middle of the summer for heaven’s sake and I’m pasty because I live the life of a vampire.”
“So Cass is taking you away?” he grumbles.
“For a few days. I’ll see your bright and smiling face before you’ll notice I’m gone.”
“Doubt it.”
“Anyone ever told you that you’re a pain in the ass?”
“Kimber. All the time.”
Hence, how I knew I could get away with it.
“Fine.” Jake blows out a breath, making me wonder if he’s smoking. “I’ll see if I can make it into the club some day this week.”
“During operating hours,” I clarify.
“Yes, mom,” he quips sarcastically.