Page 118 of Sinful Hearts
“Do us both a favor and stay the absolute fuck out of my personal life. Case closed. Okay?”
He sucks on his teeth. But then he nods.
“Anything else we need tochatabout?”
“Yeah, actually.” He sighs. “But you’re going to like it even less.”
“Jesus Christ, now what?”
“Serj Mirzoyan’s reached out with a personal ask. He floated the idea of you taking Vanya as your date to the Crown and Black gala tomorrow night.”
I snort, rolling my eyes and looking away.
Then I realize he’s serious.
“Wait, you’renotfucking with me?”
“Nope. Look, I know you’re not a fan of hers. But…”
I sigh. “But it’s a request from Serj, and if he says jump and we ask how high, that puts us in a good position to close this deal before Gavan can muscle in on it.”
Ares sighs. “Well…yeah.”
I grit my teeth.
“Fine. I’m really leaving now—”
“He’d also like for you to come over today to meet with her, get re-acquainted…” He grimaces. “And formally ask his permission to take her to the Crown and Black thing.”
“It’s a fuckinggala, not a wedding chapel.”
He sighs again. “I know. And I don’t enjoy asking you to do this. But…” he shrugs. “All Serj is asking for is for you to wine and dine his daughter a bit and play nice with him. I think it might help us. A lot, actually.”
I grimace. “Fuck it. Fine.”
Ares nods. “Thank you. Really. I appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I mutter before I turn back to him. “And youdidenjoy asking me to do this, didn’t you, asshole?”
He grins. “Maybe a little.”
“Maybe go fuck yourself a little.”
“Ahh, Mr. Drakos.”
Serj Mirzoyan hauls himself to his feet from the couch in the office of his lavish Bronx mansion, grinning at me.
“Come, come. Please, sit.”
The gruff-looking man in the suit who led me here from the front door nods at his boss, and closes the door to the office on his way out.
Serj is a big, bruiser type—the kind of guy who built his empire out of brutality and by chopping hands off his enemies. And it shows. He’s got the cauliflower ears of a street fighter, the scarred face of a man who’s gone to war a couple of times, and the wealth and power of a man who’s not only won those wars but crushed his enemies.
All that said, he’s extremely charming. At least, right now he is. I’ve only met him maybe once before, just in passing, so I have no idea. But I have the feeling I’m getting a little bit of a red carpet rolled out for me.