Page 119 of Sinful Hearts
He strides over and takes my hand, giving it an almost ridiculously firm shake as he grins.
“A drink, yes?”
“That would be great, thank you, Mr. Mirzoyan.”
“Please. My friends call me Serj.”
“Are we friends, then?”
He glances over his shoulder at me from the bar cart. “I would very much like that, Mr. Drakos.”
“Then it’s just Hades,Serj.”
He chuckles, bringing me a glass of something clear, and I hide my smile. I can smell the anise from three feet away.
Yeah… If he’s pouring traditional Greek ouzo for me, he’s rolling out the red carpet. And I’m suddenly wondering if maybe Gavan’s gotten bored of this ongoing battle over Serj’s empire and has backed off. It would certainly explain Serj cuddling up to me.
He clinks his glass to mine.
“Stin yit mas.”
We drink, and he nods. “To a wonderful future, and to burying whatever bad blood there was between our families. It lies in the past, yes?”
Maybe Serj really is over the fact that my father killed his, something like thirty years ago. Maybe he’s not. Either way, money talks.
And a hundred and fifty million fuckingyells.
“I know things have dragged on perhaps a little longer than you would have liked with your family’s purchase of my business. But I need to do what is best for my children and their future. This, I hope you can understand.”
“You want to get the most money possible, of course.” I grin. “Yes, I can completely understand that. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure covers up a lot of bullshit.”
Serj chuckles, clinking his glass to mine. “Exactly. I was just telling my good friend—”
The door to the study bangs open loudly. When I turn, I cock a brow as I lay eyes on Melik, Serj’s douchebag of a son.
“What the fuck is he doing here, Papa?”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I mean, yes, as I understand it, Serj’s decision to sell his empire rather than pass it down to his kids hasn’t gone over so well with either of them. But this isn’t just Melik being pissed about that. He’salwaysthis much of a prick.
I know Melik and Vanya from Harvard—Melik was in my grade, and Vanya was two years younger. Their father is an immigrant withlotsof money, so of course, he sent them to the flashiest, most prestigious school he could.
Vanya actually managed to graduate. Melik got kicked out for literally never going to class. And assaulting a professor. And driving his G-wagon into the side of an administration building while he was drunk. And selling coke. And…well, just basically being a trust fund douchebag pretending to be gangster.
He’s somehow both a coward and a hothead, and Serj is wise to sell his empire rather than leave it to him. If he thinks his empire would last two weeks under Melik’s guidance, he’s being generous.
I mean the dude put out a rap album three years ago under the name “Pussy Slayer”, without a shred of irony or satire involved. That tells you everything you need to know about Melik Mirzoyan right fucking there.
“Hesht!” Serj snaps at his son, glaring at him. “He is our guest, Melik.”
“He’s a fucking invader, is what he is.” He pulls his contemptuous gaze to me. “You have no business in my home,Drakos.”
I smile politely. “How’s the rap industry these days, Melik?”
He scowls. “The game is rigged. Thanks to the Jews.”
Right.Right. There’s also the fun little fact that Melik is aragingneo-Nazi fuckwad. So that’s a nice cherry on top of the whole steaming pile of shit that he already is.