Page 46 of One Hundred Desires
He wanted to groan because Viv drilled into him all the safety measures he’d need from here until eternity, but he knew that once she signed off on this job, she’d no longer be his bodyguard and could simply be his.
They headed back to his house, where Viv took the time to explain the ins and outs of the security system she had installed, again. She showed him how to lock the doors, set the alarms, monitor the surveillance cameras, and enter a panic code. She reiterated that working in fear made the mind unclear. If he were ever in a dangerous situation he should slow down and consider everything he knew before he laid out a plan. Red listened attentively, grateful for her expertise and dedication to his safety. When she was finished, she held out her hand and shook his. “It was nice doing business with you.” She rose from the couch, and he thought she would leave. “Are you leaving?”
She shook her head. “Can I borrow a shirt?”
“You can have anything you want.” He meant it.
She walked away and came back a few minutes later, no longer wearing her Vortex uniform. She was now in one of his Indigo T-shirts and never looked better. Unless he compared her to the day she came out wearing his boxers and a T-shirt. That was better.
She sat on the couch next to him, snuggled into his side, and pointed to the old guitar in the corner. “Have you ever written a song for a woman?”
Red glanced at the guitar, chuckling before looking back at Viv. “You know, I’ve never actually written a song for a woman,” he admitted, an amused smile on his lips. “I’ve always been terrified of the idea. Can you imagine being like Eric Clapton, singing ‘Layla’ for decades after he and Pattie Boyd broke up? Or like Gwen Stefani, forever belting out ‘Don’t Speak’ about her ex-bandmate?”
Viv laughed, nodding in understanding. “Oh, I see what you mean. That would be quite the emotional torture.”
“Yeah,” Red continued, grinning. “I mean, imagine having to sing about someone long gone, night after night, year after year? It’s like a never-ending emotional roller coaster. No, thank you!”
Viv joined in his laughter, clearly enjoying the lighthearted conversation. “Well, you do have a point there.”
“But,” Red added, his gaze lingering on the guitar, “I’ve got to admit, there’s something about you, Viv, that makes music inside me. I sing about you in my head all day long. It’s strange, but I feel like I could write a whole album about you and never get tired of singing it.”
Viv blushed, a playful grin spreading across her face. “Really? Well, I suppose I should feel honored, but I’ll pass on the breakup anthem. Instead, I’ll take the memories we make together.”
As they sat together, their love story unfolding in the quiet moments and stolen glances, Red couldn’t help but feel inspired. And while he didn’t voice it, he knew deep down that the love they were building was more profound than any song could ever capture. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep the idea of writing a song for Viv tucked away for a later day.
When the night grew late, and they lay on the couch dozing in each other’s arms, he knew he had to send her home to her brother’s before he begged her to stay. When he finally made love to her, he wanted it to be perfect. She deserved candles and flowers and shrimp cocktail and baked Alaska. Viv made it clear that she wanted more, and he was sure he wanted to give it.
Maybe that was his problem all along. Maybe he should have wanted more. Maybe he should have demanded more. For the first time, he felt like he deserved it.
Now that the security detail was done, Viv found herself with an abundance of time and freedom to explore Aspen Cove with Red. They spent their days wandering the picturesque streets, visiting Red’s friends and bandmates, and making memories that made putting off romance worthy of the wait, beautiful moments that would remind her what it meant to love and live.
One especially beautiful day, they decided to hike up to a nearby waterfall, a local spot several townspeople had recommended. The trail was lined with tall, majestic trees, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The sound of rushing water grew louder with each step, and soon, they found themselves standing before the breathtaking cascade of water, the mist kissing their faces and filling the air with a refreshing coolness.
“I can’t believe we’ve never been here before,” Viv marveled, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the beauty of what nature made.
Red wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close as they stood together, watching the water tumble over and down the rocks. “It’s the perfect place for a picnic.” Red let his backpack slide to the ground next to where Lucky sat, panting. The dog had nearly doubled in size in the weeks since they’d found him. Red was having the time of his life teaching him new things like sitting and playing dead. He was like a proud parent who would tell anyone willing to listen about their dog’s intelligence. The funny thing was he had started telling everyone that Lucky was theirs, not his, which filled her with a sense of warmth and belonging.
“Here, buddy.” Red filled a collapsible bowl with water for Lucky, who lapped it up happily.
Viv spread the blanket on the soft grass while Red unpacked the basket filled with their favorite sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of wine. Lucky settled down beside them, wagging his tail and panting happily.
“So beautiful,” Viv murmured, her eyes fixed on the vibrant colors of the rainbow arching over the waterfall. She turned to Red with a curious expression. “Do you think there’s a meaning behind rainbows?”
Red thought momentarily then shared the stories he knew about rainbows as symbols of hope, love, and good fortune. He also mentioned the Irish legend of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Viv listened intently, her eyes sparkling with interest.
“Maybe for us,” Viv said, her voice growing soft and tender, “the rainbow could symbolize the journey we’ve taken together. It’s like the treasure we’ve found in each other.”
Red’s eyes grew misty as he smiled at her. “I like that idea.”
They sat together, hands entwined, as they watched the rainbow slowly fade, leaving the memory of its fleeting beauty behind.
“Maybe we should have wished on the rainbow.”
“I already have a wish out there that hasn’t been granted.” His chuckle was quickly silenced when, without warning, he pressed his lips to her neck right where her pulse beat against them. He opened his mouth and let his tongue blaze a path of heat that spread everywhere. Everything in her body misfired. Not a single nerve ending was functioning correctly. Every pleasure point stood up and saidpick me, hoping to be the next stop on his journey. Warm kisses trailed from her neck to her ear to the hollow above her collarbone. He may have only kissed her there, but she felt it everywhere. Even her toes curled inside her shoes. She wanted so much more.
Red hadn’t pressured her for anything, which was unexpected. He’d been loving and patient, and it felt like the right moment to bring their shared wish for joy to fruition.