Page 47 of One Hundred Desires
She pulled out the sticky note she kept in her back pocket. She liked to look at it and dream about a day when what he wanted could come true.
“It’s about time for wishes to come true.” She unfolded the yellow note and handed it back to him. She watched as he read over the words he’d written and wondered if he still wanted what they said.
Let me have one night, and I’ll show you that forever will never be enough.
“Are you ready for this?”
She nodded, and he kissed her. This time the kiss was a raging fire that melted into her very bones. She felt at once intoxicated with desire and unbearably hot. His touch stirred a thousand different feelings within her, and she welcomed them all as his lips moved against hers. She’d never leave his bed if he made love the way he kissed.
He deepened the kiss and wrapped her in his arms as if he was protecting her from the outside world, which seemed funny since she was the one who had been looking after him all this time. The kiss seemed to last an eternity and yet felt too short at the same time. When he finally pulled away, she felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, swaying between pleasure and fear but ready to go anywhere he wanted to take her. If he had asked her to jump, she might have because, after that kiss, she knew he’d catch her.
“How about a date with all the bells and whistles?”
She lifted a brow. “What do all the bells and whistles include?”
His blue eyes took on a stormy, sexy look. “Everything.”
Goosebumps covered her skin. “Everything?”
“I’m not holding anything back.” He lifted to a sitting position and reached into his wallet, where he pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded in half two times. “You asked for this.” He handed it to her.
When she unfolded it, she realized it was a note from Doc confirming his health. He’d given her everything she’d asked for. She could get everything she wanted.
“When?” Her breath came out in a whisper. Not a fearful voice but a can’t-catch-her-breath-from-anticipation sound.
“Tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up.”
“I can’t wait.”She felt drunk with anticipation.
He kissed her gently before starting to pack up their things. “You’ll have to. Shall I get you back so you can have Aunt Viv time with Natalie before she goes to bed?”
“She’d like that.”
“What would you like?”
She sighed. “Another kiss.”
He kissed her like tomorrow was a year from now, and this kiss would have to sustain them. When he pulled away, she only wanted more. A thrill raced down her spine because tomorrow came with the promise of everything.
They walked down the path holding hands. Lucky happily trotted behind them. At the car, she caught a glimpse of something in the woods but couldn’t see anything when she tried to focus. Though she wasn’t on duty, she was always on guard.
“What’s wrong?” Red must have felt her tense.
“Nothing. It was probably an animal or the breeze moving a branch.” She looked around once more and let the feeling that something was wrong pass. “It’s nothing.”
He opened the door and helped her inside the truck. “And you’re everything.”
When they reached her brother’s cabin, he helped her out and told Lucky he’d be right back. The pup pressed his face to the window and watched them walk away.
“You don’t have to walk me to my door.”
“Oh yes, I do. Besides, I need to talk to your brother.”
She narrowed her eyes. “About what?”
The door opened, and Val filled the enormous space.
“Just the man I’m looking for.” Red nodded toward the lake. “Can I have a moment of your time?”