Page 49 of One Hundred Desires
She looked up into Red’s eyes. “Wow, that’s some commitment.”
Red put his arm around her. “I don’t plan on ever being bear bait.”
She walked him to his car, and he kissed her. The slow, soft kiss left her wishing it was tomorrow.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” he said.
“I’ll be waiting right here.” She returned to the cabin and watched him drive away. When she went back inside, she approached her brother, pressing her hand to his forehead.
“What are you doing?”Val asked.
“Checking you for fever because if you’re sick, then I’m exposed, and there’s no way I’m missing that date tomorrow.”
“You won’t miss the date.”
“Have you changed your mind about Red?”
Her brother smiled. “Not yet, but I told him I’ll use him for target practice if he does anything that makes you unhappy.”
She laughed. “Don’t forget; I can outshoot you. Red doesn’t have to worry about you. He has to worry about me.”
“Good point.” Her brother rose and walked down the hallway.
She went to her room, anticipating her date with Red.
Red paced around his living room, occasionally stopping to straighten a cushion or adjust a picture frame. The house needed to be perfect for his date with Viv tonight. He’d spent the entire day cleaning, and now everything was spotless. But he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he’d forgotten something important.
“Alright, Lucky,” Red said. “I think we’ve got everything. Wine, candles, flowers, shrimp cocktail, prime rib, and baked Alaska for dessert.” He ticked off the items on his fingers, just to be sure. “What do you think, buddy? Am I missing anything?”
Lucky tilted his head and barked as if to reassure his owner that everything was in order. Red sighed, trying to shake off his nerves. “Tonight might be the beginning of forever, so everything must be spot-on.”
With a reassuring wag of his tail, Lucky seemed to understand. He followed Red around the house as the final preparations were made. Red placed a lighter by the candles so he could create a warm, romantic ambiance. He carefully arranged the bouquet he’d picked up earlier from the Corner Store, making sure each bloom was visible and adding a touch of color to the table.
Red plated the shrimp cocktail garnished with parsley and a flourish of lemon slices cut so thinly they curled, double checking the presentation was just right before he placed it back in the refrigerator. The prime rib was cooking to perfection—he’d left plenty of time for it to sit before carving it later on, so the juices would redistribute nicely. The overstuffed baked potatoes were almost done, and the baked Alaska, which he made from scratch, sat in the freezer, the kitchen torch at the ready to set it alight for the flambee extravaganza at the end of their meal, caramelizing the meringue enveloping the cake and ice cream. He thought with a bit of satisfaction that he had outdone himself this time.
After one last check to guarantee everything was just right, Red hurried down the hallway to get dressed. He’d chosen a crisp white shirt and a pair of black slacks, wanting to look his best for Viv. As he buttoned up his shirt, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. “Not too shabby,” he muttered, giving himself a nod of approval.
Lucky, who had followed him, let out an approving bark. Red smiled, grateful for the vote of confidence. “Thanks, buddy. Now, all we need is Viv. Shall we go and get her?”
They headed to his truck, ready to sweep her off her feet with the romantic night he’d planned. The anticipation hung in the air, a palpable energy that promised to deliver memories worth making and the moments of bliss they’d been dreaming of and waiting for. Red couldn’t wait a nanosecond longer. Viv wouldn’t mind if he were a minute or two early, right?
Red and Lucky climbed into the truck. The drive to Val’s cabin was one that Red had come to enjoy. The winding mountain road took them through the woods, where the trees stood tall like ancient guardians, their branches intertwined overhead as if holding hands.
Red couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of the forest. The sun filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the ground below. It felt as though nature was guiding him to Viv, the golden beams of sunlight illuminating his path. As he drove, he noticed the wildlife that called these woods home—squirrels scampering across branches, and birds flitting from tree to tree, their songs filling the air with a chorus of melody.
Lucky, too, seemed to enjoy the ride. He sat in the passenger seat, his nose pressed against the window, taking in the sights and smells of the woods. Occasionally, he’d perk up, his ears twitching as he caught the scent of a deer or rabbit hidden among the trees. Red smiled at his canine companion, knowing that Lucky was just as excited about welcoming Viv as he was.
As they continued their journey, Red couldn’t help but think about what the future might hold for him and Viv. The connection they shared had grown deeper with each passing day, and it felt like they were on the cusp of something that could actually last. Hope effervesced through him like never before. It was a strange cocktail of giddiness, solemness, and love. Viv was the one he had waited for, literally. He felt deep in his heart that tonight would begin a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love and happiness in ways he’d never considered possible.
Finally, the truck rounded a bend, and the cabin appeared. It was nestled among the trees, a cozy sanctuary that blended seamlessly with its surroundings. Red pulled up to the front, excitement coursing through his veins like a sixteen-year-old taking Taylor Swift to a prom. This was it—the moment he’d been preparing for.
He glanced over at Lucky, who was wagging his tail in anticipation. “Alright, buddy, let’s go get our girl.” Together, they exited the truck and made their way to the cabin door, the sun’s rays dancing through the trees as if to cheer them on. The beginning of forever awaited them, and Red was ready to embrace it with open arms.
Viv opened the cabin door, and Red’s breath caught in his throat. She stood there, wearing a black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. The hemline flirted just above her knees, showcasing her toned legs. Her black flats, adorned with sparkling rhinestones, caught the sunlight, making her feet shimmer with each subtle movement. It was like Oz with only magic and no evil witches—enchanted.
Red had never seen Viv dressed like this before. He was used to seeing her in jeans and a T-shirt, her hair tucked away beneath a ball cap. Looking so elegant and alluring, this vision of her left him momentarily speechless. The transformation was stunning, and he couldn’t help but stare, entirely captivated by her beauty.