Page 50 of One Hundred Desires
Viv smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes as she took in Red’s reaction. “Well, hello there,” she said, her voice soft and inviting. “You clean up pretty well yourself.”
Red blinked, snapping back to reality. “Uh, yeah, thank you,” he stammered, suddenly self-conscious in his attire. “You look… I mean, you’re… Wow, Viv, you’re breathtaking.”
Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink at his compliment, and she glanced down at her dress. “I thought it was about time I ditched the jeans and cap for something a bit more… special,” she said, her eyes meeting his again. “Seems like tonight’s the perfect occasion for it.”
Red couldn’t have agreed more. The sight of Viv standing in her dress made his heart race and his palms sweat. It was all he could do not to whisk her into his arms and carry her back to her bedroom. Suddenly, shrimp cocktail, prime rib, and baked Alaska were more foreplay than he thought he could handle.Get a hold of yourself, man!You’ve come this far. You can wait a while longer to show this gorgeous woman how much you love her. He wanted tonight to be a night to remember, not one where Val would beat, tar, and feather him.
“Shall we?” he asked, extending his arm for her to take. Viv reached behind the door to grab her bag before she looped her hand around the cradle of his arm, the warmth of her body sending shivers through his whole body.
As they climbed into Red’s truck, Lucky claimed his usual spot on Viv’s lap. Red glanced at her before starting the engine, still awestruck by her beauty. With a warm smile, Viv playfully rolled her eyes and gently nudged him. “Come on, let’s get this show on the road.” Red loved that she didn’t even think about dog hair, even when she was all dressed up.
With a chuckle, Red pulled away from the cabin and onto the winding mountain road leading them back to his home.
The drive seemed to take no time. They arrived, and Red lifted Viv out of the truck just so he could wrap himself around her, even for a minute. Viv giggled like a child who had not a care in the world. Lucky bounded out after them, eager to join in on the festivities. As they walked towards the front door, excitement and nerves danced in Red’s heart and stomach. He hoped that the night would live up to Viv’s expectations. He had set the bar high and did not want to disappoint the person who’d become so integral to how he now saw himself—he was someone who could love, wanted to love, and deserved to love and be loved. It was ecstasy just to revel in the closeness and the bond he and Viv had built just by getting to know one another.
Inside, Red led Viv to the dining room, where the table was set with elegant place settings and the bouquet he had arranged earlier. Viv gasped. “Red, this is so beautiful. You’ve outdone yourself. Oh my gosh, the house smells like the finest restaurant and looks like a magazine cover.”
His nerves eased by her reaction, Red couldn’t help but beam with pride. “I wanted tonight to be perfect for you, Viv.”
As Viv settled into her seat, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. “Is that garlic I smell?”
“I made prime rib and covered it with spices, including garlic.”
“It smells amazing. I’m starving and could eat a calf by myself.”
“I’ve got you covered. I ordered three times what the butcher recommended.” He’d grown accustomed to her appetite and had purchased an eight-pound roast to be safe.
“I can’t wait to taste everything you’ve prepared,” she said excitedly.
“I hope I remembered everything you put on your date list.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I never made a list.”
“Let’s start and see if you remember.”
The champagne cork burst from the bottle like a rocket, making a popping sound that could mean only a good time was ahead and there was something to celebrate.
The dinner began with the shrimp cocktail. They weren’t the tiny shrimp you’d find in the grocery store, but super jumbo prawns he overnighted from the Gulf of Mexico like they serve in the finest steak houses in New York City.No, sir. I was not serving Viv shrimp that said, this was all I could find in the freezer section, and not I went to the ends of the earth for you.
As they shifted to the main course, Red watched Viv take her first bite of the succulent and juicy prime rib. Her eyes widened, and she looked at him with pure delight. “This is honestly one of the best prime ribs I’ve ever had. If you decide to quit your day job, you could be a chef.”
Flattered by her praise, Red couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He also wanted to show Viv he could be diligent and creative outside the bedroom or recording studio. He’d put his heart into preparing a meal that made the night memorable for them both, and it gave him so much pleasure to eat Viv up with his eyes the same way she was devouring her dinner. He had to admit, he just loved watching this woman eat. She savored each bite in the unhurried, deliberate, and appreciative way he had imagined she would savor every touch if they were making love. How someone enjoys food is a good approximation of how they might relish other sensual experiences. If Viv made love anything like she ate, she had to be one hell of a lover. She could eat him up anytime. He couldn’t help but imagine what that might be like.
They chatted and laughed between bites and sighs of pleasure and satisfaction. Red’s home radiated a warmth, intimacy, and relaxing atmosphere that was only present when Viv was there. He had never seen her so serene, happy, and carefree.
“And now for thepièce de resistance.”Red excused himself to the kitchen to prepare the baked Alaska. When he returned with the sweet-smelling mini bonfire in hand, Viv’s eyes widened and sparkled with excitement. “I’ve never had baked Alaska before.”
“But you said you wanted it.” He’d never been a fan of meringue but fluffed sugary egg whites and vanilla seemed like a minor sacrifice. After all, she was giving up a lot more by staying in Aspen Cove.
“It sounded super fancy and date-worthy. I’ve seen it only in movies.” She laughed. “I guess I did give you a list.”
“I’m a man who likes lists and reminders. I try never to leave someone guessing what I want. Makes it harder to be disappointed.”
With dinner behind them, Red invited Viv to the sofa. “I thought we could watch a movie together. What do you think?”
Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm. “Sounds perfect. Wow, you are laying on the charm offensive tonight. It seems like the obedience classes with Lucky are rubbing off. Is he as good as you at exercising self-control and not stealing the treats?”
“Oh, he’s still much better than me, but I’m learning. Just so you know, I won’t be hiding in any cabinets tonight, even if you say ‘pineapple.’”