Page 97 of Soulmates
“Can you make me a tequila fizz?” I asked, looking up at Gayle with pleading eyes.
“Honey, are you sure that’s a good idea? Tequila and you have an interesting relationship.”
Gayle sighed and reached for a martini glass. “If you regret this, remember I warned you.”
I was on my third drink by the time Shawn arrived with Thomas in tow.
“Hey,” he said, dropping onto the seat next to me. “You already have a drink.”
“She’s already had two and a half drinks,” Gayle said as she slid two beers across the bar toward the guys.
“How long have you been here?” Shawn asked, glancing down at his watch.
I shrugged. “About an hour.”
“Doing what?”
“Questioning my recent life decisions and generally thinking I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot.” Shawn plucked the martini glass from my hand and took a sip. “This is tequila. I thought you didn’t drink tequila.”
“I don’t.” I groaned. “Tequila makes me stupid, but since I can’t get any stupider than I’ve already been acting lately, I figured it can’t hurt at this point.”
Shawn put the glass down out of my reach. “Okay, tell me what you’ve been doing that’s so stupid.”
“I gave him my virginity. I knew he’d never marry me, and I gave it to him anyway.”
“That might be a bit more information than I needed.”
“What the heck am I doing?” I asked, dropping my head on top of the bar. “My friends are getting engaged, and I’m busy falling in love with a guy who told me we have no future. How stupid is that?”
“That doesn’t make you stupid,” Shawn said, stroking a hand over my back. “It makes you human.”
“He won’t even call me his girlfriend, and I just put up with it because I don’t want to lose him. I settled for being his fuck buddy.”
Thomas took the empty seat next to me. “Piper, look at me. Do you remember when I told you Sam has good reasons for keeping his distance from you?”
I nodded. “You told me I was a bad person for hanging out with Freddie.”
He rolled his gray eyes and sighed. “First of all, I never said you were a bad person. Secondly, Sam’s going to kill me for telling you this, but I think you need to know what he is.”
That sobered me up fast. I sat up straight, giving Thomas my full attention.
He ran a hand over his buzzed hair. “Sam’s an angel.”
A shocked second went by before I could find my voice. “But he doesn’t have wings or a halo,” I blurted out.
“Oh, he does. You just haven’t seen them yet.”
“And you have?”
Thomas nodded. “Sam is trying to protect you. This life he’s built is dangerous. The accident last month? I got stabbed in the chest by a demon. I would have died if Joriel hadn’t been there to heal me.”
“Is Joriel an angel too?”
“A different kind of angel, but yeah.”