Page 98 of Soulmates
“How many kinds are there?”
“Seven, for the most part.”
I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open, but my brain was too busy trying to process the conversation to tell my jaw to close. Sam and Joriel were angels. Thomas had been stabbed by a demon. It was kind of a lot to take in.
“When you say the life he’s built is dangerous…”
“Sam built this place to house and train demon hunters. Almost everyone who works here has a dark past. Sam gave us all a second chance, a purpose. This building is our home. There’s so much more here than just the club and restaurant.”
“What about the back rooms?”
“Meeting rooms,” Thomas said. “You’re the only person Sam has ever let back there who wasn’t an employee.”
My eyes flitted around, wondering how many of the people in this room knew that the guy I’d been sleeping with for more than a month was actually an angel. Gayle and Jules had to know. They worked for Sam.
And so did my brother.
Thomas nodded. “He knows.”
It all made sense now. Nacio’s insistence that Sam and I didn’t belong together. His temper tantrum when he found out we were together. All this time, he’d known what Sam was, that his world was dangerous. And instead of telling me, he yelled at me every time he saw me with Sam.
“If this is such a secret, why are you telling me in a room full of people?” I hissed.
Thomas shrugged. “People generally assume you’re talking about a video game or novel, and Sam’s not really that secretive about it.”
“So it’s only me who isn’t allowed to know the truth.”
“Everything has been different when it comes to you. I think he’s just trying to protect you in his own misguided way.” As if that absolved Sam for hiding this from me for months.
“I have to go.” I grabbed my phone and called my driver, not wanting to waste the time it would take to type a text.
“Where are you going?” Thomas called.
“To go yell at my brother.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. This is a lot to take in, and you’re upset. Please stay.”
“You’re right,” I snapped, whirling on him. “I am upset. And I think I have a damn good reason to be.”
I was flinging the back door open before the car was even in park outside Nacio’s apartment building.
“Are you all right, Miss Amato?” The doorman gave me a concerned look as I stormed past him to the elevators.
“Fine,” I said shortly, shoving the call button harder than necessary.
Nacio opened his door with the same concerned expression the doorman had worn. “Piper? What’s wrong?”
“You knew Sam’s an angel?”
He didn’t have to answer. The mix of horror, pain, and dread on his face told me everything I needed to know.
“You’ve known him for eleven years,” I gritted out. “You’ve been lying to me for half my life.”
“Piper, wait.”
“For what? More lies and half-truths? Tell me, in all the time you were having a hissy fit over my relationship with Sam, did it ever once occur to you that maybe I deserved to know why you were so against us?”