Page 89 of Seductive Sadist
“Brown was the best option for me and a medical career. That’s what I really want. To become a surgeon. I have to go back. You know that.”
“You never needed Brown. You’re brilliant. You could have been successful anywhere.”
“Dad, what is this really about? Is this because of your sickness?” My heart clenches. “The doctors feel really good about the experimental treatment you’re going to start. And I’m going to be home as much as I can before graduation because I want to be there for you every step of the way.”
He shakes his head. “This isn’t about me. This is about you and what you need to be happy. It used to be medicine. But now I think it’s something… someone… else. And you need to be honest with yourself about that. He hasn’t stopped calling. Every single day since he left the house a few weeks ago.”
I nod my head. “I know. He calls and texts all the time.”
“You might want to talk to him. He’s persistent as hell, and you’ve got to give him credit for that.” A smile stretches across Dad’s lips, and he clasps his hands together. “Well, breakfast was just delivered, so if you’re ready to take a break from packing, come downstairs and eat something.”
“Breakfast? It’s two o’clock.”
“Is it?” He furrows his brow. “Oh. Hmm. The diner must have been pretty busy, I guess.”
I roll my eyes and smile. “I love you, Dad.”
He takes a step toward the door. “I love you, too, sweetie.”
Letting out a frustrated groan, I whirl around to face my bed and the last pile of stuff taunting me. A furry brown leg sticks out from the bottom of the pile. What the hell is that doing here?
I pull out the stuffed bear and frown at him. He’s wearing a white-t-shirt with a big red B on the front. His big beady eyes stare at me, his lips curled into a smile. I could have sworn I threw it out after Zak broke my heart the first time. I never told him I also applied to the University of Miami, so all he knew was that I was Brown-bound.
Running my finger down the front of the t-shirt, I can’t help but smile when I remember Zak handing the bear to me. It was the same time I realized I could never go all the way to Rhode Island and be that far away from him.
How quickly things changed.
I toss the bear back onto the pile and hop over some clothes. My toe catches on the hood of a sweatshirt and I trip forward, crashing into the wall next to my door with a loud thump.
Jeez, I really need to get this floor cleaned up, or the only place I’ll be headed is the Emergency Room.
I walk down the stairs and head into the kitchen when the delicious scent of chocolate hits my nostrils. “Mm, that smells so good.”
Kylian sits at the kitchen island with an open Styrofoam container in front of him. His mouth works in overdrive as he shovels in forkful after forkful of pancakes.
“I hope you left some for me.”
“Nmohph,” he mumbles, his mouth still full.
“Eh, it’s not like I was hungry anyway.” I snicker and turn to pull open the refrigerator.
“Hey, what the fuck, Kyl?”
I spin around, my hand still clutching the refrigerator handle. “Zak? What are you doing here?”
His jaw drops as he stares daggers at my brother. He holds up a few containers and steps into the kitchen. “The syrup must’ve fallen out of the bag.”
“Oh, were these not for me?” Kylian drops his fork and wipes the whipped cream from his lips.
“No, fuckhead. They’re for Skyla.” Zak rushes over to the container and mutters some choice expletives to himself. He takes the fork and pokes around the Styrofoam. “Did anything feel crunchy or hard in your mouth? Or did you just fucking swallow the food without chewing?”
“It wasn’t crunchy. They’re pancakes, bro. And yeah, syrup would’ve been good.” He plucks one of the containers out of Zak’s hand and opens it. He drizzles the syrup over what’s left, and Zak hurls the other container at his head.
“Step the fuck away from the pancakes,” Zak growls, giving him a small shove backward. “Or else I’ll break your other leg and take you out of the game permanently.”
Kylian flips him off but moves away.
“What is going on?” I put my hand on my hip and slam the refrigerator door closed. “Why are you here, Zak?”