Page 39 of Sins of the Son
Shaking off the bitter memory, I stepped inside the dark interior of the building. Since nothing in Italy was modernized unless it had to be, there was no elevator, but I didn’t mind. I took the beautiful, carved, central marble staircase to the upper floors. Enjoying how my black, patent leather high heels clacked on each step. There was just something powerful and boss bitch about that sound that I just loved.
* * *
I felt Cesare’s gaze on me the moment I entered the office.
He was across the room, greeting a pair of gentlemen who had arrived for a meeting on a project he was starting on some land the family owned in Tuscany.
As the men continued to talk with him, he raised his head and stared directly at me. Even from across the room, I could see his eyes narrow as his jaw clenched.
I grabbed the Gemini charm around my neck and nervously ran it along its gold chain, immediately second-guessing my plan for today. Maybe I should have just come to the office in sackcloth with no makeup on instead?
Shaking off the feeling, I met his glare by flipping my hair and turning my head away.
Despite my starting as a senior assistant, I quickly rose to the level of junior project manager of several important development projects once Cesare’s cousin Matteo, who had been in charge of the office in Cesare’s absence, realized my intelligence and skill. I would not ruin my progress by letting Cesare intimidate me.
Ignoring the heat of his stare, I greeted the new receptionist, Liliana, and asked for my messages. I frowned as she slammed her laptop shut and covered it with a notebook before handing me several neatly written notes. Before I could comment on her odd behavior, Matteo approached. From his intense glare in her direction, it was clear he'd seen Liliana’s strange actions as well. I would let him handle it. I had enough drama in my life without borrowing more trouble. Besides, I liked Liliana. I certainly would not be the one to get the poor girl into trouble by ratting her out for something that could be perfectly innocent.
Matteo was holding two steaming, white porcelain cups. As had become our morning routine, he handed me a latte macchiato. He took a sip of his own caffè latte, and murmured under his breath as we walked into the main office together, “Couldn’t you have done us all a favor and fucked him at least once? Because now I’m going to have to go through the hassle of throwing him out a window.”
I smiled as I blew on the frothy milk foam of my preferred morning coffee drink. I guess Cesare was in a less than agreeable mood.
Before I could take a sip, a large hand gripped the mug and pulled it from my grasp.
Cesare was standing before me.
My heart skipped a beat at his sudden nearness.
His gaze moved between Matteo and me. “Milana already had an espresso in bed this morning.” His intended meaning and message to Matteo clear.
I simmered with rage as my gaze quickly cast about to see if anyone else from the office had overheard his arrogantly outrageous claim. I snatched the mug back with such force, milky foam spilled over the edge onto my fingers. I took a quick step back to make sure none spilled on my dress or shoes. “Actually, I don’t like espresso.” I turned to Matteo. In my most saccharin voice, I said, “Thank you so much for my latte macchiato. You always seem to know just what I need.”
Before either man could respond, I hastened to my desk. For the next hour, I kept my head down, working on the latest permit proposals for Matteo’s afternoon meeting. When I was finished, I gathered up the files and crossed the office floor.
I forced myself not to turn and look at the massive, glass-walled conference room where Cesare was currently holding court. Besides, it took my entire focus to remember how to walk. My legs were so stiff from nerves, I was deathly afraid I was going to trip and go head over high heels, humiliating myself in front of the entire office. Taking a deep breath, I exaggerated my step, swinging my hips as I pushed my chest out.
Feigning confidence I didn’t feel as I strutted to Matteo’s office.
I could feel Cesare’s gaze on me with every step.
Since Matteo’s door was open, there was a direct view from his office into the conference room where Cesare was sitting. I moved to stand beside Matteo, who was seated at his desk.
Leaning over lower than was strictly necessary, knowing it would cause my neckline to gape open and give a peek of my black lace bra, I said, “I have the permits you requested.”
Matteo turned. His gaze went from the file to my cleavage, to my face, then to his open doorway.
He sprang from his chair and stormed over to his office door. He slammed it shut and stalked back toward me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
I feigned innocence. “What are you talking about?”
“Let’s get something straight. Cesare is my cousin, but I’m still only a man, Milana.”
My cheeks warmed. Matteo had been nothing but friendly and professional toward me from the start. It wasn’t right to use him to get back at Cesare.
He ran his hand through his hair as he paced. “Are you out of your goddamn mind? I thought you were too smart to play stupid games like this.”
Before I could apologize, he continued. “You have no fucking idea how much danger you are in. You may have known Cesare the boy, but you don’t know the man. You need to understand—”
Before he could continue, there was a deafening crack, then a spray of wood splinters as his office door was kicked open.