Page 40 of Sins of the Son
I backed up as Cesare stormed inside.
He didn’t say a single word.
It was more terrifying than if he had shouted curses at me.
With focused ferocity, he stepped toward me.
Matteo grabbed his upper arm from behind. “Calm down, cuz. She knows it was a mistake.”
Cesare kept his intense gaze on me. And only me. “Not yet, but she will.”
Shrugging off Matteo’s grasp, he reached for me.
Snatching my wrist, he dragged me forward and then over his shoulder.
Matteo tried one more time to save me. “Cesare—”
“This is the last fucking time I’m warning you, Matteo. Back. Off. She’s not yours. She’s mine.”
Despite my cries, he carried me out of the office, and there wasn’t a single person who dared Cesare’s wrath to save me.
I was losing my goddamn mind.
The need to possess and control this woman was driving me mad.
Despite her screams and kicks, I carried her up the hidden back stairs to my private office. Not that it mattered. The entire fucking office had seen me carrying Milana out of Matteo’s office, but I was far too pissed off to give a damn.
The very second I'd glimpsed her beautiful black-lace-covered breasts and knew my cousin was catching the same view, it was all I could do not to pick up my conference chair and toss it through the glass wall that separated us.
I didn’t need to be concerned with any of my staff calling the authorities.
They knew better than to interfere in my personal business.
I kicked the office door shut and tossed her onto the black leather sofa in front of the fireplace before turning and locking the door.
Milana sprang up and confronted me. “How dare you treat me like this!”
I ripped off my suit jacket and pulled at my tie knot. “How dare you put your tits on display for another man,” I growled.
“For your information, I was doing no such thing and even if I was, it’s none of your fucking business. You are not my man! You will never be my man.”
That was fucking it.
I had had enough.
I reached for my belt.
Milana backed up. “What do you think you’re doing?”
I unbuckled my leather belt and whipped it off. I folded it between my fists as I stalked toward her. “Giving you the punishment you’ve been begging for from the moment you sauntered through that door this morning.”
Her eyes widened as she raised a hand up to ward me off. “You stay away from me.”
I stalked closer, cornering her.