Page 8 of Riding Rough
“It was made in nineteen ninety-two.”
“Before I was born.”
“The Notebookwas made before you were born.”
“No. It was released in two thousand and four. I know because my friend Bella is always picking on me for liking such an old movie.”
“Old?”He laughs. “It’s what… twenty years old?”
“That’s a long time for a movie. Have you watched a twenty-year-old movie lately? The grain is weird.” I laugh. “Never mind. I forget who I’m talking to.” I snuggle into his chest without thought. “I’ve missed this, Kane.”
He laughs. “I’m not sure I remember the last time we were laying in bed together.”
“Never,” I grin, “but I’ve missed the bullshitting. I guess the snuggling part is a bonus.” I cringe when I realize what I’ve said. “I mean, today it is because it’s been such a bad day.”
“I’ve missed you, too.” He groans out the words then rolls to the side of the bed and sits up with tight shoulders. His hand passes over his face before he stands from the bed to pace.
I should be concerned about why he’s changed his demeanor so quickly, but I can’t stop staring at his body. His huge, muscled, inked body. His biceps, his chest, his back, his thick thighs. God, even his neck is sexy.
Heat overwhelms me and the dam that I’ve built between us begins to burst.
“What’s wrong?” My voice cracks when I speak. “Something is bothering you. Did I say something?”
“Nothing, sweetheart. Lay down. You need your rest.”
I pause for far too long. “I’m sure it’s weird that you’re out here with me. I mean, I know you probably had better things to do and I’m—”
He turns toward me, his gaze heavy on mine. “No. This is right where I want to be. Trust me. I just…” He clears his throat and turns away again.
“You just what?”
“Sweetheart… get some sleep. I’ll watch over you tonight. No bad dreams allowed, okay?” He turns back and smiles, but only briefly. It’s almost as though I distract him somehow. I wonder if that’s the case. I wonder if he’s preoccupied by me. He has been weird all night.
I laugh to myself. Yeah, I really doubt he’s thinking like I am. The man could have anyone. The last thing he needs is some broken twenty-four-year-old whose father is his best friend. I’m sure he thinks that’s more complicated than it’s worth.
So, instead of pressing further, I do as I always do. I let my fantasy take over. My eyes close, my breathing slows, and soon I’m drifting away to thoughts of how warm he felt against my skin and how eager I am to touch him again.
Chapter Six
The armchair groans as I lean forward, reading a text that came in about an hour ago.
“I’ll do it myself.” Diesel’s text is short, to the point, and I don’t blame him. If Amber hadn’t been standing next to me, I’d have taken Jed out myself, but I couldn’t leave her with a memory like that. I need to be her safe place above all else. The unending punching was bad enough, but it could have been so much worse. The thought of that piece of shit ever touching her makes me sick.
I tuck my phone back into my pocket and lean back in the chair, watching her sleep. Her golden hair lays out behind her as her chest rises and falls. My fingers inch toward my belt. I’m tempted to rub one out. Maybe it’ll help me think straight again. God knows I’ll need it for the long ride home tomorrow with her vibrating against me.
She rolls over and her eyes flicker open before she mumbles something.
I imagine for a second spreading those pretty little lips with my cock, then shake away the thought just as fast.
I’m a sick piece of shit.Good to know.
“Will you hold me?” she mumbles, half asleep. “I liked it when you were holding me.”
For a second I question whether I’m hearing her right. If I am, there’s no way in hell I can hold her. Holding her is a gateway drug.