Page 14 of Fangs with Benefits
"Then what is it?" I ask.
The two of us stand there in the shadow-cloaked corner of a back alley as I wait for Treyton to tell me why my plan is sure to fail. I suppose it's better that I know whatever he has to say now, before I recite the incantation. I don't want us to be surprised by a roadblock we didn't consider. This is why Treyton and I work so well as secret informants together—we're both privy to things that the other isn't. Although I amdefinitelynot prepared for what he says next.
"I'm not put-off by your plan, or its impossible odds of success. I'm soured because I know there isonevampire of nobility here in Boston."
"But you said that there were none in the—"
"Yes, I know what I said," Treyton interrupts. "I said that there were noothersnearby."
I shake my head in confusion.
"Iam a descendent of vampire nobility," he says, to my shock. "I have an royal lineage." I stare at him for a moment in astonishment.."
"But then why didn't you take over the position after Mickael?"
"I didn't want it."
Ididn't plan on tellinganyoneabout my bloodline, not even Blair. I planned on taking that carefully tucked-away secret to my grave. But right now, with Blair and the coven in the direct path of danger, and her pleading eyes searching mine for help, I don't have a choice. I have to be honest with her and reveal who I truly am.
I don't expect Blair to understand why I don't want the power and respect that comes with being a faction leader. And I don't expect her to understand why I don't want a whole horde of vampires willing to do my bidding. Most people would jump at the chance for power, privilege, and protection.
"I just don't want to be responsible for other people," I explain. "It's not how I am. That kind of responsibility makes me feel stifled, like I'm stuck in a room with no air."
"But you could make such a difference if you were the clan leader," she says, looking almost saddened that I let Arman take my preordained spot in the hierarchy of the clan. "None of this would be happening right now if there was a sane and stable clan leader. You could make such a difference for your people, and for everyone else in the city."
I shrug. "I know. I guess it's selfish of me. But honestly, I wouldn't be a good leader. I care more about myself than anyone else."
Blair's eyebrow lifts in scrutiny. "I doubt that. I'veseenyou care more about me than your own safety."
As soon as she says it, her cheeks flush, like she regrets that sentence. She tries to backpedal.
"What I mean is I think you would be amuchbetter leader than Arman."
"Well yeah. He's set the bar pretty fucking low." I chuckle. "But like I said, I don't want to live under that kind of scrutiny or bear burden of leadership."
She goes quiet and looks down the length of the alley for a moment before turning back toward me.
"What do that youwantthen?"
It should be an easy question to answer. But something about the way she asks it makes heat swell from my groin all the way up to my ribcage. I have to actuallyfightto hold onto my self-restraint as I stare back at her.
What I really want now, more than ever,is her.
I pause as I think about how to answer her without lunging forward and pushing my tongue between her parted lips. I turn my head away to keep from being so consumed by her that I come undone.
But I whip my head around too quickly and almost black out. Between all the blood I lost from the beating and my empty stomach, I'm weak. I need blood. I need to feed to regain the rest of my strength.
"What's wrong?" she asks. "You suddenly look even paler than normal."
"I just haven't fed for a while," I answer as I try to brush the feeling off and keep myself from passing out. "Your magic healed me, but without blood I'm still weak."
She studies the alley like she's looking for a blood source, but even if therewasa human to feed from, I would be reluctant to do it in front of her.
"Here," Blair says as she pushes up the sleeve of her jacket and holds her wrist just below my chin. The scent of her skin is intoxicating, and I can see the faint glow of residual magic flowing through her veins. "Feed on me."