Page 15 of Fangs with Benefits
I don't pretend to mask my sheer shock at her suggestion.
"What? No. I'm not going to do that."
"Why not? You're too weak to make it back to the—" she stops herself short. "I guess that I just assumed you would be coming with me, but I never really asked."
"Of course I'm coming with you," I reassure her. "Although I don't really know where you're going."
"To gather the other witches and go through with our crazy plan," she answers, still holding her wrist in the air. "But we can't stick to the alleys the entire way, and you're too weak to make it all the way back to my neighborhood. Besides, if we run into any trouble on the way, you're too weak to fight. You need to feed. I know that much about vampires. If it's been a few days since you last fed, then it's a miracle you're even upright now. Take some of my blood, just a small sip. Just promise to stop before you take too much and weaken me too."
I shake my head vehemently. "No, I don't want to hurt you."
"Please, I'm tougher than you think. And I'm the only one around for you to feed on. If you don't take some blood, then neither of us is going to make it back safely before the vampires who were supposed to be guarding you realize you're gone and track us down." She shoves her wrist closer to my nose. I can feel myself start to salivate.
I've never fed on a witch before, but by the scent pouring off her skin, I can tell she'll taste like a delicacy.
"Come on, Treyton," she pleads.
She's right. I want to be able to protect her from Arman and the other vampires. So, I concede.
I take her wrist in my hands and open my mouth, feeling the sharp fangs nip the sides of my lips. Desire pulses through me. I want to feed from her so badly. But Blair is special, strong but delicate, and not just ameal.I wrap one of my hands around her back to bring her closer to me and hold her steady as I lift her wrist, letting it drag across my bottom lip like divine torture. Blair lets out a small, surprised gasp .
"Don't be afraid," I say softly. But when I look into her eyes, it isn't fear I see there.
My fangs are sharp enough to sink through her delicate skin like soft butter. My bite doesn't hurt her, but the pull of her blood into my mouth leaves a thin, burning sensation in her veins. I know this because I've had it described to me before. But I've never tasted blood as intoxicating as hers.
I take only a little, although I could drink an ocean of her if I wasn't worried about hurting her. When I pull my mouth off her skin, I lick the last of her blood from my lips and pressing my finger to the two small puncture wounds until they stop bleeding. Already I feel my strength returning.
"Thank you," I say, feeling half embarrassed forneedingher blood so much, and half delirious from the effects of it.
Blair looks at me without saying anything, her lips are hanging open just enough that I can feel her breath against my face.
I let my hand drop from her back and she looks flustered, but after shaking her head, her eyes refocus.
"We should round up the other witches," she says with renewed determination. "Since you're a suitable replacement as clan leader, our plan will work now. I know you don't want to be the leader for your people, but—"
"It's okay," I interrupt. "I'll do it."
Never in a million years did I imagine agreeing to such a thing. But when I'm around Blair, I'd doanythingto keep her safe.Includingthe thing I want to do least in the world. This witch has an inexplicable hold on me.
We head to the Fae enclave first, where one of the coven witches is hiding. But when we get there, the Fae instantly apprehend me and treat me like I'm the enemy. I guess I can't blame them since Iama vampire. This is why I like to keep to myself and not get involved in faction politics. It's just easier that way.
"You don't understand," Blair says. "We're all on the same side here. Treyton is with me. He wants to help us."
"He's athreat," one of the Fae hisses as he points a glimmering and lethally sharp, silver blade at my chest.
"Just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he's a threat," Blair argues angrily. "The vampires are not our enemies, or at least they shouldn't be. The factions should all be coexisting. It'sArmanwho's the threat, not Treyton. Why are you acting this way?"
"It's not because he is a vampire," a familiar voice says as the crowd of gathered Fae parts to allow Caspian through. Caspian is the Fae Queen's most lauded protector, and he also happens to be the lover of one of the coven witches, Sybil.
"Then what is it?" Blair asks with an irritated pout.
"Look at his eyes."
Even I don't understand what is going on. But when Blair turns and looks at my eyes, she gasps. "What's the matter with my eyes?" I ask.
Caspian orders the other vampires to stand down, and they listen to him. Then, Sybil appears beside him. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small, round mirror and hands it to me. When I look at my reflection, I see what all the fuss is about: my eyes areglowingbrightly like they're backlit, and I have no idea why.
"Did you feed on her?" Sybil asks me with a nod toward Blair.