Page 66 of Back Up Plan
Elle: I think we should talk.
Cass rolled her eyes, she felt like she had gotten this text from Elle once a month for nearly a decade. Clearly, Ari had done a good job convincing Elle she was out of Cass’s mind because Elle was panicking to hook her back on her line.
She set her phone down and settled her head back on her pillow, Ari’s breath in her ear. She had a moment of peace before her phone buzzed again. Sighing, she grabbed the phone without lifting her head off the pillow.
I’m serious. I owe you an apology but I need to talk to you.
She set her phone upside-down, it was a problem she’d deal with later. As Cass took a deep breath and closed her eyes, Ari tightened her grip on her.
As much as Cass loved this feeling, the warmth of a person she truly trusted, it was a comfort she had become too reliant on in the past. And, after last night, she wasn’t sure she could trust herself yet. After all… maybe something did happen.
* * *
Cass walked down the block toward the coffee shop a few blocks from her house, the next day. In her Doc’s and cut-up t-shirt, she was sweating profusely. She did her best to wipe the beads from her forehead, not wanting to arrive at the coffee shop so disheveled.
She hadn’t told Ari what her plans were for the day and a part of her felt sneaky. But, she had to remind herself that they were casual, they hadn’t evendiscussedwhat sleeping together really meant.
But, if Ari’s position was still the same, she didn’t want anything serious anyway. And Cass was starting to think she needed more time alone, to rebuild the trust she had lost in herself.
Even going to this coffee shop, to see Elle, made her doubt herself.
As she pushed open the glass door, she looked around the shop, not spotting Elle anywhere.
She headed toward the back of the shop, where a garden patio door was left open. Before ordering herself a drink, she took a peek outside and saw Elle.
As soon as she saw Cass, she stood from her table and beamed.
“Hey, you,” Elle said with all the innocence in the world.
Cass was about to reply when Elle continued.
“I hope you don’t mind, I already grabbed you a drink,” Elle gestured to the lavender, iced latte in the chair across from her.
“Oh, thanks,” Cass smiled, she never ordered those anymore.
She approached the table and Elle stretched out her arms.
Cass obliged, giving her a weak hug that Elle held onto for a few seconds too long.
As Cass settled into her seat and looked at the markings on the side of her cup, Elle watched her intently.
“So, did you have fun the other night?” Elle prompted.
Nodding, Cass twirled her drink, “Yeah, it was nice to see some of my old people and get to know Leila a little bit.”
Elle looked down at her drink, “I think everyone missed having you around.”
Cass raised her eyebrows, of course, it was Elle who had convinced them that Cass had broken up withher. She hadn’t gone anywhere but they had sent her away.
“So, I should say,” Elle started, “I’m really sorry for how everything went down. I can see where you feel I turned everyone against you. And I’m sorry for that because I really never meant to do that.”
Cass nodded, “Thanks.”
Elle exhaled air, “And Leila told me about your conversation.”
Surprised, Cass looked around, “How do you mean?”
“Well, she told me that you seemed confused about when mine and Leila’s relationship started and whenoursended,” Elle clarified.