Page 67 of Back Up Plan
Cass chuckled,yeah… I’m confused.
“But, listen, I could see where Leila thought the “start of our relationship” was actually us becoming friends,” Elle said, adding, “Which would've been before you and I broke up.”
Cass nodded,sure.
Elle was scrambling, “And you know, she always thinks we moved in together in January but we didn’t actually move in until February.”
“And that’s why her stuff was in your apartment when we hooked up after your birthday?” Cass asked.
Elle laughed, “I was holding some stuff for her because her roommate was stealing shit and selling it on Marketplace.”
Cass nodded, “Listen, I don’t need to hear all of this. You said you needed to tell me something. So, why don’t you get to that?”
Elle nodded and leaned forward, “I just wanted to tell you about a conversation I had with Ari last night.”
Knew it, she thought, trying to play along.
“We were talking in my room, I was just saying goodbye and it was nice meeting her. And that I’m glad that she seems to be able to take care of you. And, she backed me up against the wall and told me to never speak to you again.”
Cass tried not to laugh. As much as Ari was coming into her own, she knew that Ari wouldn’t have escalated a situation to that level if she wasn’t prompted. But, even still, Cass had asked Ari to play nice and if even a nickel of this was true, Ari hadn’t.
“And you said nothing else?” Cass asked, her hand resting on the table by her untouched coffee.
Elle shrugged, “I mean, I wasn’t sober so I guess it’s possible. But, Cassandra, that’s not where I am anymore. I love Leila.”
Cass nodded, she wanted to believe Elle had changed. They had spent so many years together, but looking into her eyes, Cass still couldn’t tell what was a lie.
Elle reached out her hand and rested it on Cass’s, “You know, a part of me will always wonder about us…”
Cass couldn’t bring herself to pull her hand away, Elle’s sharp blue eyes drawing her back in. Was there still something between them?
She tried to shake it off while Elle continued, “Maybe, if the timing’s right, we’ll fall back into place.”
* * *
“Ewwwww,” Gabby exclaimed as Cass imitdated Elle’s attempt to rekindle their relationship.
Cass nodded, “Gross, right?”
Gabby shook her head in disgust, “Dude, she’s engaged.”
Cass nodded, pacing across the living room in front of their TV as Gabby followed her with her eyes.
“Do you think anything she said was true?” Gabby asked.
Cass shrugged, “I mean, instinctually no. But, there has to be an inkling of truth in there because she knows I’m going to ask Ari about it.”
“So she underplayed her hand and overplayed Ari’s?” Gabby asked.
“Maybe?” Cass said, she hated feeling so much doubt about herself.
Gabby nodded, “Okay, but that’s okay, right? Like, Ari made an oopsie but not terrible.”
Cass shook her head, “But, she didn’t listen to me. I asked her not to say anything and she did.”
Gabby pouted, “Yeah. But maybe, it’s not unforgivable?”
Cass groaned and looked out the window, it was a beautiful Sunday. And she had been able to ignore Elle’s insidious plea for attention, she could’ve spent the day at a picnic with Gabs, or out with Ari. Instead, she was back to pacing in her living room, trying to decide what was real and what wasn’t.