Page 78 of Sinister Vows
He swallowed, flicking his eyes from me to the crate and back. “I wasn’t made aware that you didn’t know the contents.”
“I always knew the contents,Brother.” I shook my head in disappointment. “I was just told by your father that they were being traded out of the district.” I pushed the lid off, revealing high-powered military weapons that were only procured by the cartel or the Russians. “And that was months ago.”
Cristian didn’t reply.
I tsked my teeth and gripped the crowbar in my fist as I looked back down at the crate and then over the others. “You see, when weapons or goods are brought into my districts, and then traded, I get a cut of the deal.” I turned to face the younger Rosetti, who, to his credit, remained standing tall and strong, even in the face of danger. “But when they’re brought in and kept for other reasons, like perhaps,” I tossed the crowbar into the air, flipping it end over end like a baseball bat and catching it again. “for personal gain of the one who smuggled them in, to begin with, I don’t get anything out of that deal.” I took one step towards him. “Do you see the problem here?”
“Yes, Capa.” He nodded his head once, remaining upright and strong.
Honorable quality.
“Where did Emilio get them from?” Cristian opened his mouth to answer but I quickly held my hand up to stop him, “Make no mistake Cristian, this is your one chance to align yourself onto the right side of the conversation. After this, the wheels of fate will already be spun into motion and even I won’t stop them once that happens. So answer carefully.”
If he admitted that they came from the Cartel, that would mean that Emilio and the Cartel would be on my hit list, as traitors. Two powerful enemies to make for himself. But if he lied and said the Russians, he was admitting to dealing with the only crime organization that could rival my own, our biggest competitors.
And he’d be framing the even more powerful enemy, signing his death certificate.
“I believe the cartel and my father made the deal, but I wasn’t here,” he answered truthfully, revealing the two traitors.
I smirked and looked back at the crates, signaling to Luca with a single nod of my head. He picked his phone up and made the call.
“These crates are now mine,” I announced loudly for his armed guards to hear, “I suggest anyone that wants to stay in my good graces, puts their weapons down and helps my men load them.”
At the same time, the overhead bays lining the entire length of the exterior walls opened loudly, revealing my men, armed and ready for a fight.
For a split second, I anticipated a fight.
All it would take was one jackass to let a bullet fly to start a full-out massacre of all involved tonight. For all of our sakes, the guns remained silent.
“Good.” I looked my brother-in-law in the eye and nodded to the office off to the side. “We should probably finish this conversation in private.” I waited but he didn’t walk ahead of me like I indicated. I regarded him, “Unless, of course, you want all of your men to see you getting your spanking?”
His jaw clenched as his men looked between themselves uncertainly before walking away to assist in loading the weapons with my men.
Their men.
We were supposed to be all on the same team after all. Probably ninety percent of them wouldn’t choose Emilio over theDonin an all-out war. But ten percent of them would.
And that was a fucking problem.
Emilio was a fucking problem that needed to be eradicated.
When I got into the office I pulled the chair out and threw myself down into it, kicking my feet up onto the desk that Emilio and Cristian sat at when they were here.
The younger Rosetti followed in, shutting the door behind him and putting his hands into his pants pockets as he stood in the center of the room.
“Does Emilio want a war with me?”
“Not that I know of,” He answered instantly.
“Do you?”
“War with the Don is the last thing I want.”
“Do you have any idea how fucking close to war you are right now?” I ran my thumb over my bottom lip as I watched him. “How fucking close you are right this second to no longer existing. Any other man would be gasping as his windpipe filled with blood on the floor right now for this.”
“Then why aren’t I?” he questioned evenly.
I watched him, holding his stare as I let the space drag out like I was contemplating the answer. “Easy.” I took my feet off the desk and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees to stare at him. “Arianna.”