Page 79 of Sinister Vows
“I’m surprised you care for my sister’s feelings so soon,” he responded, “You’ve never been rumored to be kind to anyone, let alone a woman.”
“Wrong.” I stood up and adjusted my suit jacket. “I’m not kind to Arianna. I’m sure if you asked her, she’d tell you that I was the devil reincarnate.” His eyes squinted in speculation as he tried to figure out exactly what went on between his sister and me in our home. “But that doesn’t mean I wish to punish you for your father’s sins. The same way I don’t enjoy punishing her for his sins either.”
“You punish her?” he snapped, before clenching his jaw like the outburst was unintentional.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked around the desk. “I do what is allowed of me as her husband. What your father allowed me to do when he agreed to marry her to me.” I stopped when I stood directly in front of him. “What is allowed of me as the mother fucking Don.” Someday I’d give the kid credit for standing tall with me only inches away because he wasn’t even flinching as I exerted my power. He was either brave or he was dumb. Either way, he would bleed for it. “When this is all said and done, I want you to remember whose fault this is,” I said seconds before slamming my forehead into his, smashing his nose and sending him sprawling backward from the force of it.
“Fuck,” He hissed as he landed against the door.
I didn’t give him a chance to staunch the bleeding from his nose before I swung and landed another blow to his cheek. Bone cracked under my knuckles, sending a rush of adrenalin through my body, even as I got a sour taste in my mouth from bloodying Arianna’s brother.
He glared at me, spitting a mouthful of blood out onto the floor before standing tall and adjusting his suit jacket. “Who’s the fucking boss around here?” I sneered.
“You,” He answered instantly with his hiss.
I swiped my fist back out through the air, delivering an undercut to his jaw, sending him flying back into the door again before he fell onto his ass, stunned and disoriented.
“Nobody steals from me in my own fucking home.” I grabbed him by the collar, pulling him to his feet and slamming him against the door, rattling the hinges and his teeth. “Not even family.” I bounced him off the door again, enjoying and hating the dense thud his skull made as it connected with the wood. I leaned forward until my face was pressed against his and spoke directly into his ear. “The next time someone inside your family tries it again, you’ll be the first one I come for. And this time I’ll strap you down and make you scream for mercy before I disfigure you so badly even your own worthless mother won’t be able to recognize you.” I slammed my fist into his stomach, doubling him over as all of the air hissed out between his teeth. “And then I’ll kill you and the rest of your siblings for the fuck of it. Don’t try me again, Cristian.” I threw him onto the floor away from the door, in a heap, wiping the blood off my busted knuckle onto my pant leg. “I can’t be your ally and your enemy at the same time, Cristian. And from this moment forward, Emilio Rosetti is enemy number one.” He panted and looked up at me through the blood pouring from his face with a look of fear. “Only you can choose whose side you stand on in the morning.”
I opened the door, taking away his chance to respond, and walked out into the warehouse. His men watched me closely, seeing the blood splattered on my face and hands, but no one moved.
“The line in the sand is now drawn,” I announced loudly, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. “There is no chance to go back over that line after you cross it. Choose wisely.” I walked out the overhead door to my waiting car and got in with Luca once again at my side.
The car pulled away, and my men finished loading up the crates into our trucks as I headed to the penthouse for the rest of the night.
“Today was a monumental day, Capa,” Luca said from beside me as he took out the decanter of bourbon and poured us each a glass.
“Why is that?” I questioned, taking the glass from him, “Because I made enemies with my once biggest ally?”
“No,” he shook his head with a smirk on his face, “Because you’ve fully come into your power and your strength by severing the tie to dead weight and taking on your rule in your way. Generational curses will end under your rule.”
“Hmm,” I hummed, tossing back the shot in one gulp and holding it out for another, “Something tells me this will get worse before it gets better.”
“The biggest rises in power always do, Capa,” he mused, tossing back his drink and falling silent beside me.
Chapter 18- Arianna
Ilayinbed,refusing to move a single inch for the next twelve hours.
In twelve hours, Nicolas would return to the yacht when we docked in Sicily, and to say I was eager for his return was an understatement.
While the last few days without him were relaxing, they dragged on as I watched the proverbial clock on the wall tick with each passing moment alone without him. I didn’t lie when I told him he had turned me into an addict for him.
It wasn’t just sexual either, I craved his presence and his energy now too. I was fucked in the head, but so was he. We were both obsessed, two unlikely partners in a union neither of us wanted, yet both of us had accepted it at some point along the way.
I think I accepted it the night he showed up at Molly’s parent’s home and defied the expectations I had for him, to carry me kicking and screaming from their home. Instead, he charmed them and dined with us like it was the most normal occurrence in the world.
Royalty at the modest dinner table, like a random Tuesday evening.
Unheard of.
Yet, he did it; for me.
That was the turning point in my head, before he called the truce between us even, when I began to think of him as less of an enemy and more of a counterpart.
An ally.