Page 41 of Him Lessons
She cut a glare at him but went right back to attacking the granules of sand that inevitably got tracked into the store. There was a sigh behind her.
“Listen,” Luke said, “I don’t care if you want to pursue Kyle.”
Stilling the broom, Andy turned to face him. “Really?”
He shrugged. “So long as it doesn’t interfere with your work here, go for it.”
Andy bit her lip to stifle a spark of excitement. Luke scratched at the hint of scruff along his square-cut jaw before sliding a hand behind his tattooed neck. The growing discomfort on his face gave her pause. “What?”
The hand fell. “Can I be honest with you right now?”
“I’d vastly prefer it.” Andy hated when people didn’t level with her. All the prevarication people did was so damn confusing.
“It’s just you’re not really Kyle’s type.”
But not exactly a surprise to her.
She locked eyes with Luke for a moment. Long enough to see the sympathy in them. Sympathy she neither wanted nor needed. She just needed information. “So what is his type?”
“How old?”
“Older than barely legal.”
“I’m twenty-two.”
“Do you want to see my license?” Andy unzipped the side pocket of her navy cargo pants to grab her wallet.
Luke held up a hand. “I’ll take your word for it.”
She zipped back up. “So what else does Kyle like in amature woman?”
Shrugging off her snark, Luke crossed his hands over his chest again. The move made his pecs do that poppy thing. Andy frowned at them, gaze flickering back up to find the man smirking.
“Experience,” he said, that smirk of his growing annoyingly sexy.
“Fine. I’m experienced.”
“Oh, yeah?” The sudden intensity of Luke’s gaze had her cheeks growing hot again. “How so, Little Bird?”
“Well, Ihavedone it before.”
“It? Do you mean” — the man’s eyes darkened to a forest green, and there was a wicked glint in them as he leaned in and whispered — “s-e-x?”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re insufferable?”
“Only my sister after she’s been binging thatDowntown Abbeyshow.”
“I don’t think that’s what it’s called.”
“I could give a fuck.”
Ugh. Insufferable, cocky, occasionally funny, but mostly irritating jerk!Andy glared at Luke, strongly tempted to unleash the torrent of insults swirling in her head.