Page 42 of Him Lessons
Why did the man have to look the way he did and be so annoying? Why did he have to be all chiseled and cut but act like such a butt?
More importantly, and far more annoyingly, why did he have to be right? She wasn’t Kyle’s type. She’d known it the first moment she’d laid eyes on her Henry lookalike. And now that she knew he was a Taylor-Vaughn, Andy was struck with the realization she was even further out of his league.
Andy’s ire expired on a pathetic sigh. “You’re right.”
“I am?”
She nodded dejectedly. “I’m not that experienced. Not like Shay or Texas anyway.”
“Who’s Texas?”
“You remember. From last Friday in the shop?”
Luke still looked lost.
“Whatever. The point is, I’m well aware I’m not in the same league as those women. I have next to no game when it comes to attracting men. Flirting is like a foreign language to me. And I’ve got this really long list of things I’m averse to, so I usually scare off most guys with all my” — she held up finger quotes — “quirks.”
“I’m sure you’re not that bad,” Luke said.
“Oh, no,” Andy insisted. “I am. I don’t even like kissing. Don’t most guys like kissing?”
Luke shrugged. “I prefer other kinds of oral interaction.”
“You asked.”
Damn it. She had. And she should have known Mr. Freaky-deaky would bust out with something like that. “Fine, I’ll be more specific. DoesKylelike kissing?”
Another shrug. “Probably. Girls were always wanting to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with him in high school.” Luke chuckled nostalgically. “And Kyle’s freshman year of college, the Delta Pi sorority roped him into the kissing booth they were hosting during spring break. And I mean, they literally roped him in. Not that my boy was complaining about the bondage when he got to tongue-wrestle a few dozen horny chicks.”
Andy grimaced. Tongue-wrestling was so not her thing.
“Yeah, I’d say Kyle likes kissing.”
God damn it, this was hopeless. She should give up her ridiculous fantasy right now. The only way Andy had a shot in hell of attracting someone like Kyle Taylor-Vaughn was if she had some serious help.
Serious help from someone who seriously knew what made the man tick.
Andy’s gaze swung from the stretch of wall she’d been side-eyeing to the man before her. And that is precisely when the proverbial light bulb went off, the eureka moment that catapulted every sappy rom-com she’d ever seen into action. “You!” she breathed.
Luke’s eyes widened. “What in god’s name is going through your head right now?”
“Youcan help me attract Kyle.”
“’Fuck’s sake,” he muttered to himself. “Why did I ask?”
“Because you saw that I’d just had a brilliant idea!”
“It’s not brilliant. It’s wack as fuck.”
“You say fuck a lot.”
“Deal with it.”
“I will if you’ll be my teacher.” She fluttered her lashes at him coyly. Or tried to anyway.
“Jesus. Stop. You look like you’re having a seizure.”