Page 57 of Him Lessons
PunkJ669:Will do :)
PJ logged from the game, and Carson quickly followed suit, signing out with one last ominous post.
CarNageson:Need 2 talk 2 u.
Andy frowned. While she and Carson had done plenty of gaming after the deflowering, actual verbal communication since their last awkward conversation had been sparse. Not exactly a surprise.
Andy’s cellphone rang.
Dear god, he wanted to talknow?
She stared at the device anxiously. It continued to ring. From the corner of the desk, Petals gave an annoyed chirp.
“Yeah, yeah,” Andy muttered, “I’ll get it.” Swiping up the phone, she greeted her former and only lover with a “Hey.”
To which her former and only lover replied, “Hey.”
A few seconds of silence ensued. Andy broke it with a sigh. One she hoped didn’t come across quite as brisk as it sounded. But damn, she was tired. And definitely not in the mood to chat. “Good game,” she offered half-heartedly.
“Yeah, that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Fantastic. They could skip another awkward sex conversation.
“I have this friend — Jacob,” Carson continued nervously.
“I was wondering if you would mind if he hops in on some of our gaming nights.”
“Can he play?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s got skills.”
“Cool, then why would I mind?”
“Well… Jake’s kind of more than a friend. We met on an ace forum a month ago and really hit it off.”
Andy side-eyed the bird dancing about on her quilt as she mulled this over. “So… you’re gay then?”
“I don’t know,” Carson said, a tired sigh slipping from him. “To be honest, I’m kind of over all the labels. I’ve got enough of them already.”
In addition to being autistic, Carson also had ADHD. They’d met in a neurodiversity club in college.
“I get it,” Andy said. But truthfully, she wasn’t so sure she did. At least not about Carson’s interest in Jake. “So you’re, like, interested in him as a boyfriend but without the sex?”
There was an embarrassed chuckle from Carson as he gathered his thoughts. “I think I am, yeah. I mean, this thing is still new between us, but it feels special. Like we have this chemistry.”
“So you’ve already met IRL?”
“Yeah. He lives in Carlsbad. We got together for dinner.” Carson laughed again. “Soon as I saw him, I got this feeling in my stomach. He’s just so… so…hot.”
Andy giggled at the note of wonder in her friend’s voice. “You sure you’re not interested in sex?” she teased.
“Yes.” Another chuckle. “No.” A sigh. “God, I don’t know. Maybe?”
Andy snorted. “Well, maybe just see where it goes, huh?” There was an answering murmur of agreement. Then Carson turned the tables on her.
“So, is there anyone special makingyourbelly flutter?”