Page 58 of Him Lessons
Immediately, her scary-handsome surf instructor sprang to mind. “No.”
Fantasy Luke stripped his rash guard off.
Pervy Andy vetoed the previous ruling on the field. “Yes.”
“Maybe…”Carson drawled.
“Alright fine. His name is Kyle. K-y-l-e.Kyle.”
“Is Kyle h-o-t hot?”
“Extremely. Like I can’t stop thinking about him.”
Liar, Pervy Andy screamed before throwing up another half-naked mental billboard of the man’s BFF.
Carson snickered. “It sounds like at least one of us is sure about sex.”
Oh yeah, Pervy Andy agreed lustily.
“Well, I do hope it goes better for you the next time around,” Carson said with a note of chagrin.
Andy gnawed at her lip as Petals pecked at her keyboard. “It wasn’t that bad,” she said, stroking the bird’s head.
“A ringing endorsement.”
They both laughed.
“I’m not sorry though,” Carson continued. “I mean, itwaskinda weird, but at the same time it felt… safe, ya know?”
Yeah. She did know, and she couldn’t have said it better. People talked about college being a time to explore, and they’d explored.And even if the sex hadn’t been stellar, Andy was happy her first time had been with someone she liked and trusted. “I don’t regret it either.”
“I’m glad.” Carson swallowed. “Well, cool then. I better—”
“Carson! What the hell is that stench in my kitchen!”
“Shit, I was boiling noodles earlier,” Carson said in a rush. “Forgot about ’em.”
“Your dad sounds pissed.” Andy’s thoughts veered once again to Luke’s father, worry setting in. “He’s not gonna, like, hurt you, is he?”
Carson barked out a laugh. “Are you kidding? This isn’t the first time I’ve scalded a pot. He’ll just make me clean it. Joy. It’d probably be faster to Prime him a new one.”
Andy giggled. “Later, Carson.”
“Yep. Later.”
Ending the call, Andy set her phone on the desk. No sooner had she put it down than the damn thing buzzed. Glancing at the incoming text, she groaned. Speaking of fathers…
Dad: Still up gaming?
Her father knew her too well. It was just after midnight her time, which meant it was about nine in Paris. Her father — being the early riser he was — had probably been up for a while and was itching to talk.
Andy was not.
Andy:Just finished. Pretty tired. Need to hit the sack.
Dad:Okay. Won’t keep you. Meant to check in with you sooner, but your mother keeps hijacking my phone.
Andy had received a slew of pics from the device in the past couple weeks, selfies of her mom and dad smiling in front of the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, and a bunch of other touristy hotspots.