Page 11 of Legend
“Okay,” Gen said, “but, I’m still going to miss you.”
“That was just what I wanted you to say,” he teased, pulling her on top of his body. He loved the way that the three of them all seemed to fit together. It was as if they were made for each other, not that he’d say that to either of them yet. Things were still so new; he didn’t want to jinx things or scare either of them off. For now, Gavin planned on spending the entire day giving them both something to miss him about tomorrow, when he had to report to base.
* * *
The next morning, he quietly extricated himself from the arms and legs that tangled around him. He loved that Gen and Myles were both cuddlers when they slept. As soon as he showered and put on his coveralls, he found his car keys, and wallet, and left a note for them both on the kitchen table telling them that he’d be home by lunchtime.
It was crazy that was thinking of Myles’s place as home, but when the three of them were there together, that’s exactly how he thought about it. Myles’s place was quickly becoming his home away from home.
Over the past few days, they had spent every waking and sleeping hour together. Most of their time at Myles’s house was spent in bed and when they got hungry, they headed down to Savage Hell for burgers and beer. It was nice to meet some of Myles’s friends and not have to feel like they needed to hide their unconventional relationship. He especially loved the fact that Savage Hell’s Prez was in a relationship with a man and woman. They were married and committed to the same lifestyle that Gavin was hoping to find with Genesis and Myles.
He got to work and spent half the day putting out fires and getting ready for the special ceremony that his department was in charge of for the day. If he played things right, he’d be able to get back home by lunchtime, as he promised.
Gavin decided that a pick-me-up was in order and headed to the break room for a cup of coffee if that’s what it could be called. It was more like sludge that he had gotten used to over the past seven years of working on base, but it certainly fulfilled its purpose in waking him up and giving him a boost.
“You really need to wipe that grin off your face, man,” his buddy, Jerrod said from the corner of the break room. About twenty guys were sitting around, drinking coffee, and shooting the breeze. This was the part of the morning he loved best around base. They were all like hens, gossiping and drinking coffee. He usually sat in the back of the room, listening to them talk and keeping to himself because honestly, he had nothing to share. But today, he felt like smiling. Today, he felt like telling the whole damn world about the two reasons for his smile.
“Can’t, sorry man,” Gavin said. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to Pierce Higgins, Myles’s commanding officer. They had been friends for years now. Higgins was a good guy and liked to have fun—just the kind of influence Gavin looked for in a friend.
“So, you going to spill and tell us why you’re so chipper today? I mean, practically the whole base has off except for us, and you’re happy about that?”
“Actually, no,” Gavin said. “I’d rather be back in bed.” He left out the part about who he’d like to be in bed with, intentionally.
“Let me guess—new woman in your life?” Higgins asked.
“Yep,” Gavin said. “Genesis Dowell,” he announced. It wasn’t a secret. The three of them had talked about it, and they weren’t willing to keep their relationship in the dark. They had just not discussed talking about it with people around work.
“Civilian contractor?” Higgins asked.
“Yes, and I really like her, but there is someone else too,” he admitted. He wasn’t sure if telling Myles’s boss about them being together was something he should do or not, but the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I’m also with Myles Legend,” he admitted.
“Do the two of them know that you’re seeing the other?” Higgins asked.
“Um, yes,” he said. This was where he expected things to get a little bit tricky. “The three of us are together.”
“The three of you?” Higgins asked. “Together?”
“Yep,” Gavin said. He looked around the room to the gaping mouths and blank stares and realized that he might have over-shared. “Listen, guys, you don’t have to accept or approve of our relationship, but I’d appreciate you respecting it. We’re happy.”
“Well, if the three of you are happy, then I’m happy for you, Parker,” Higgins said.
“Thanks, man, I appreciate that,” Gavin said. “Well, I better get back to work. I’m hoping to be out of here before lunchtime.” He grabbed his cup of coffee and made a hasty retreat out of the break room, not surprised at the hum of the conversations that ensued after he left. He was sure that he had put his foot in his mouth and that the three of them were going to be the talk of the base for days to come, but it was already done. The news about the three of them was out there and there would be no taking it back, not that he’d want to.
Gavin left work a few minutes early and decided to stop by Savage Hell to talk to Savage. He wanted to ask him about joining but didn’t really know what that entailed. Sure, he knew that he had to be a biker, and he was. He loved to ride, but he had never been a part of a club before.
He found Savage back in his office and knocked on the open door to get his attention. “Hey, you have a minute?” he asked.
“Yeah, you’re Gavin, right? I’ve seen you around here with Myles.” The three of them had been in a few times over the weekend for food and drinks.
“Yes, I’m with Myles and Genesis,” Gavin said. “I was wondering if you all are taking on new members and what that entails. I’m thinking about joining an MC but have no idea where to start.”
“Do you ride?” Savage asked.
“Yeah, I have for years now. In fact, I just bought a Fat Boy 114 last month.”
“I love that bike,” Savage said. “Well, in order to join Savage Hell, you’ll have to also be approved by our national sponsor, the Royal Bastards. If they agree to let you in, you’ll have to find a sponsor in Savage Hell to help you patch in. It won’t be easy, the guys like to razz each other a bit, but it’s all good fun. We’re brothers and try not to take things too far but expect some shit.”
“Got it. I appreciate you talking to me about this. I’ll give it some more thought and let you know,” Gavin said. He needed to decide what he wanted to do and talk to Myles about it. If he wasn’t on board with him joining his MC, he’d have to figure something else out.