Page 12 of Legend
“Does Myles know about this?” Savage asked as if reading his mind.
“No, but I plan on talking with him about it before I agree to join,” Gavin said.
“If he doesn’t agree to this, I won’t go against him. He’s in or this is a no-go, got it?” Savage asked.
“Got it,” Gavin agreed. He had to admit. He liked that the club’s Prez seemed to have his guys’ best interests at heart. Especially since Gavin would never want to do anything to hurt or upset Myles. “Thanks again, man,” he said, shaking Savage’s hand. “I’d better get home. Myles and Gen are waiting on me. Talk soon.” He turned to leave Savage’s office, passing a few of the other members on his way out. Gavin headed out of the bar, wanting to get back to Gen and Myles. They had a lot to talk about, including the fact that he wanted this thing between the three of them to be more than a weekend fling. They hadn’t really talked much about what they were calling this thing between them, but he wanted to give it a name. He needed to know where he stood with the two of them and asking might be his only way of finding out, even if that did scare the shit out of him.
Myles woke early and decided to go for a run before heading down to base to talk to his CO about his time off. He was going to take as little time off as possible, but he didn’t want to leave things the way that they were—with Savage making the arrangements for him. He wanted to talk to his boss himself and square things off properly. He had already been off for the extended weekend with Gavin and Genesis. The base had shut down operations because some big wigs were taking a tour of the facilities. Gavin had to go in for part of the day on Tuesday, but he cut his workday short and ended up back at Myles’s house by lunchtime. They all got lucky enough to have a few extra days off and they had spent most of that time in bed, at his place. That was where he had left the two of them, sleeping, while he went out for his run.
He got back, showered, and started breakfast, wanting to let Gavin and Gen sleep in as long as possible before they had to head back to work. He yelled up to the bedroom that breakfast was almost ready and almost laughed at the scene of the two of them wandering into the kitchen with crazy hair, yawning, and wiping sleep from their eyes.
“Sleep well?” he asked.
“I would have if you two would have let me have more than a few hours of sleep at a time,” Genesis complained.
“I didn’t hear you complaining last night,” Gavin growled, pulling her into his body. He wrapped his arms around her, and she snuggled into his hold.
“Hey, I want some too,” Myles said. He crossed the kitchen to pull both of their warm bodies into his.
“You’ve already showered,” Gen said.
“Yeah, I’ve been up for a while. I went for a run, and then I took a shower. I need to head down to base to talk to my CO about Savage asking for time off for me. I don’t like the way things went down. I think that I should be the one to secure my time off, so I’m running down there to fix things before I head over to meet Spider.” He was careful not to give them too many details about what he was going to be doing for Spider. He didn’t want either of them to worry, but at some point, he was going to have to trust them with the truth.
“You start your secret, undercover, spy thing today?” Gen asked.
Myles chuckled, “Yeah, and stop making it sound like I’m a secret agent or something.”
“Our own James Bond,” Gavin teased.
“I’m nowhere close to that caliber of spy, but I appreciate the kudos. I’m just helping out one of the guys from my club, that’s it,” Myles insisted.
“Well, I think that it’s not only very kind of you but super-hot too babe,” Gavin insisted. “I’ve always wanted to date a spy.”
“Speaking of dating,” Myles said, changing the topic. “Is that what we’re doing here? I mean, I know that we’ve only been together for a few days, technically, but I feel like I’ve known you two my whole life. Does that sound crazy?” he asked.
“Not at all,” Gen assured. “I feel the same way about the two of you.”
“So, we’re exclusive then?” Gavin asked.
“Well, you two have practically moved into my place with me this weekend, so I’d say that we are exclusive,” Myles agreed. “In fact, I’d love it if you two moved in more permanently.” Sure, he was pushing the envelope, but he just couldn’t help himself. He wanted to be with them all the damn time. Even when he went for his jog this morning, he missed them, as crazy as it sounded.
“You want us to move in with you?” Gavin asked.
Myles shrugged, “If I’m moving too fast, tell me, but I have all this space and it’s just me. We can all bunk in my room, and if you need some personal space, well, I have spare rooms too. You said that you hate living on base, Gavin, and Gen, I’ve seen your place—it’s the size of a postage stamp. So, how about it?” Myles asked. He felt as though he was holding his damn breath waiting for them to answer him. He wanted them both to say, yes, more than he was letting on.
“I’m in,” Gavin agreed. They both looked at Gen and she smiled, nodding her agreement.
“Good, it’s settled then. We can move as quickly or slowly as you both want. Just let me know when you want to officially move in and we’ll make it happen,” Myles offered.
“I can move my stuff over this week,” Gavin said. “I basically have an efficiency apartment and don’t have a whole lot of stuff. I won’t need any help either.”
“I’ll have to give my landlord thirty days’ notice, but I can start moving my stuff over this weekend. It might take a few trips though. I’m kind of a pack rat,” Genesis said.
Myles wasn’t sure how he had gotten so lucky, but somehow, all of the pieces of his life seemed to be falling into place. “I have to get going. My CO is expecting me. You two can get ready for work and head out after you eat breakfast,” he ordered pointing to the food on the kitchen table.
“Bossy,” Gavin sassed.