Page 13 of Legend
He swatted Gavin’s ass on his way out of the kitchen. “Just the way you like me, babe. I’ll see you guys for dinner tonight, back here. I’ll grill.” He didn’t wait for them to give a response since they had both settled down at the table to eat. He had about thirty minutes to be in his CO’s office and just enough time to make it.
By the time he found a parking space on base and hiked across to his CO’s office, he was cutting it close, time-wise. He had about four minutes to spare and when his commanding officer called him into his office, he still hadn’t caught his breath.
“I didn’t expect you, Legend,” his CO said. Pierce Higgins was a good guy and one of the easiest COs to get along with that Myles had ever worked for.
“I know, but I didn’t like the way things were left. I wanted you to know from me that I was taking a little bit of time off, not Savage,” Myles said. “Honestly, you found out about my leave of absence before I did, sir.”
“Yeah, I figured that was the case. Savage is a good guy, but he has a way of getting ahead of himself. I’ve known him for years, so when he asks for a favor, I give it. He’s done plenty to help me out over the years.” That was Savage’s way. He was a good guy who’d go out of his way to help others out.
“Well, I wanted you to know that I’m going to try to be back as soon as possible. I just have to help one of our club’s members out and then, I’ll be back at work,” Myles said. “I just wanted to make sure that you are really good with this.”
“I’m fine with you taking some time off, Legend,” his CO said. “I know your file and you haven’t had a day off in years. Hell, you’ve turned down leave to put in overtime. I’d say that you’re long overdue for some time off. I know it’s not really a vacation for you, but I hope that you find some time to relax and have some fun.” His CO smiled and winked at him, and Myles wondered what the hell was going on.
“Sir?” he questioned. “What was that for?”
“I hope that I’m not overstepping here, but I’m also friends with Gavin Parker. He told me and some other guys about your new relationship. I wish the three of you the best.” Shit, this was the very last thing Myles wanted. He liked to keep his private life, private. He usually didn’t date people from work for this very reason. Now, everyone on base, including his CO would know about him being in a threesome with Gavin and Genesis.
“Um, thank you, sir,” Myles stuttered. “But I’d appreciate it if you’d keep that information to yourself. I don’t like sharing my personal life around base.”
“Well, you’ll need to talk to about twenty other guys then, because Gavin told a bunch of us. I’m sorry if that’s upsetting to you, Legend. That wasn’t my intent,” his CO insisted.
“Understood, sir. You didn’t upset me. I guess I was just caught off guard, but that isn’t your fault. I’m just not used to sharing stuff about my private life around work,” he admitted.
“I get that, Legend, but around here, we’re pretty laid back. It’s nice to get to know you a bit,” his CO said. “Anyway, be safe and get back as soon as you can. You’ll be missed around here.”
“Thank you, sir,” Myles said. “I’ll try to be a quick as possible.” He saluted his commanding officer and filed out of his office. He was supposed to meet with Spider today, but that was going to have to wait until tomorrow. For now, he was going to need to take a minute to think about what he wanted to do about Gavin spreading the news that wasn’t his to tell. While Myles was happy that Gavin seemed excited about their new relationship, sharing it around base without his permission wasn’t cool. He also wondered how Gen would feel about everyone at work finding out that she was with two men. The three of them were going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting to discuss some ground rules, but first, he needed to make a pit stop.
* * *
Myles was ready for a cold beer or four, and some advice from his buddies. He really hoped that Bowie was tending bar tonight because he could really use his specific advice on what to do about Gavin talking about him on base. He hated that he had to explain anything about his personal life to the guys at work. For him, work was always that—work. They didn’t need to be involved in his personal business, but Gavin had given them all a glimpse into all their lives together. How could he do that to him? He basically outed him to the people he worked with and that just plain sucked.
He walked to the back of the bar and sat at the end, hoping that Bowie would appear at some point. “Hey man,” Savage said. “You’re here early. Everything okay?”
“No,” Myles grumbled. “Can I get a beer?”
“Absolutely,” Savage said, pouring a beer and setting it in front of him. “You want to talk?” he asked.
Myles winced, “Bowie around?” he asked.
Savage’s deep baritone chuckle rang through the bar, causing a few of the other guys to look their way. “I guess that’s a no for talking with me then,” he said.
“I mean no offense, man,” Myles said. “It’s just that, I’ve already started talking about all this stuff with Bowie and I’d rather not have to start over.”
“If you’re talking about the fact that you want the kind of life that Bowie, Dallas, and I have, then I’m all caught up. There isn’t much that my guy doesn’t share with me, Legend. Sorry if he spilled the beans and you didn’t want him to,” Savage said.
“I really don’t mind,” Myles admitted. “In fact, if you know everything, then I’d love to talk.”
“Great,” Savage said, leaning on the edge of the bar, “lay it on me.”
“I’m sure that Bowie filled you in about me meeting the two people I’m seeing here, about a week ago,” he said.
“Yeah, he told me that you hooked up with a pretty woman who had followed you to the bar,” Savage said.
“Right, her name is Genesis. I’ve brought her and the guy I’m seeing, Gavin, here a few times over the weekend,” Myles said.
“Yeah, I know Gavin,” Savage said. “He’s been in a few times on his own too.”
“He has?” Myles asked. That was news to him. Gavin hadn’t told him that he had visited Savage Hell without him.