Page 14 of Legend
“Shit, man,” Savage grumbled. “I hope that I’m not getting him into any trouble.”
“Not at all,” Myles said. “I’m glad that he feels comfortable to come in here without me. This place is like a second home to me now.”
“Well, then, you might like to know that I’m considering letting him patch in,” Savage admitted. “He seems like a good guy and if you vouch for him, I’d consider his request.”
“His request?” Myles asked. “He’s asked to be a part of Savage Hell?”
“He has. He came in to talk to me about it during the day on Tuesday,” Savage said. “I told him that I’d think about it, but it would ultimately be up to you if you want to sponsor him.” Myles wasn’t sure how he felt about Gavin joining his club. On the one hand, it would be great to have his guy around. He seemed to fit in with the rest of the guys, but what happened if they didn’t work out? How would he and Gavin be able to share Savage Hell if Gen, Gavin, and he didn’t work out?
“I’m sorry if I sprung this on you, man,” Savage said. “I thought that he’d tell you by now.”
“Yeah, he should have, but Gavin’s doing a lot of things that surprise me right now,” Myles said.
“You want to talk about it?” Savage asked.
“No,” Myles said. “I just have a lot to think about and digest. I need to go.” He stood and tossed down a twenty for his beer. “I’ll see you around, Savage,” he said.
“Don’t leave like this, Legend,” Savage shouted after him. If he didn’t leave now, he’d find himself saying things that he shouldn’t to his club’s Prez. Leaving now was Myles’s only option.
He pushed the front door to the bar open, practically knocking poor Bowie down. “Sorry, Bowie,” Myles said, grabbing the guy’s arm to try to help right him.
“Not a problem, man,” Bowie said. “What has you leaving in a huff?” he asked. He thought about telling his friend that he didn’t have time to rehash it all, but Bowie had always been a good friend to him, since his move from California.
“Savage just told me that Gavin has asked to join the club,” he said.
“And that wasn’t something that you already knew. Sorry, Legend, my husband can sometimes stick his foot in his mouth.”
“He didn’t,” Myles insisted. “This was something that shouldn’t have been a surprise to me. Gavin should have shared the news with me himself.”
“Maybe he just hasn’t had the time to tell you,” Bowie offered. They had spent just about every waking and sleeping hour together, outside of work. The three of them were inseparable. Hell, Genesis and Gavin had all but moved into his house. He had time to tell Myles about wanting to join Savage Hell if he really wanted to.
“You’re kind to defend him, but Gavin has a lot of explaining to do. I’m going to run home and let him get started,” Myles said.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to cool down some and have a beer or two with me?” Bowie asked.
“No, this is for the best. I need answers and the only person who can give them to me is Gavin. I need to get home,” Myles repeated.
“Suit yourself,” Bowie said. “Just don’t be too hard on the guy. I mean, who can blame him for wanting to join such a cool MC?” Bowie was right—Myles couldn’t fault the guy for wanting to join Savage Hell. It was the best club around, being a part of the Royal Bastards and all. He just wanted to find out why Gavin was keeping it a secret from him, and while he was at it, he wanted to know why his guy was running around base, outing him to all his buddies. Yeah, Gavin had a lot of explaining to do.
* * *
Myles walked into his house and looked around. There was no sign of Gavin or Gen, but he didn’t expect her to be home yet. Gavin should have gotten home some time ago, according to his text messages.
“Gavin,” Myles called, “you home?”
“I’m in the shower,” Gavin called from the master bedroom. Myles ran back to find Gavin soaping up his body in the shower and nearly forgot why he was so mad at his guy. Oh, yeah—he went behind his back to join Savage Hell and to Myles, it felt like a betrayal.
“Hey,” Gavin said, “want to join me?” He did, but there was the little matter of Gavin’s betrayal to address before that happened.
“You want to tell me what the fuck you did?” Myles shouted.
“You’re going to have to be more specific, babe,” Gavin drawled. “I’ve done a lot of things today already.”
“I’m aware,” Myles drawled. He watched as Gavin took his time going over his body with his soapy hands and nearly swallowed his tongue as he watched him soap up his cock.
“Are you just going to watch the show or are you getting in with me?” Gavin asked. Yeah, if he got into the shower with his guy, he’d forget all his fight and let him off the hook. That couldn’t happen—not until he said his peace.
“I’m fine here, thanks,” Myles insisted.