Page 4 of Legend
“I’d like to talk about the possibility of you letting me take you out on a date,” Gavin said. God, why was it so hard to choke out those words?
“You want to go on a date with me?” Legend asked.
“I do,” Gavin admitted.
“Shit,” Gen said, standing over their table. Apparently, she had come back from the ladies’ room, and he hadn’t even noticed. “I was going to ask you out on a date,” she said to Legend. “But it seems that Gavin beat me to the punch.”
“Gen,” Legend said.
“No, it’s fine,” she insisted, “I hope you two will be very happy. I’m going to go home now.” She took one last sip of her beer and started for the front door.
“I’m sorry, man,” Gavin said. “I didn’t mean to butt in here. I didn’t know that she was going to ask you out. Hell, I thought that you were gay, but no biggie,” he said. He felt like an ass, and he decided that Gen had the right idea about running out of that bar as fast as humanly possible.
“I’ve got to go,” Gavin said, standing. He quickly paid his bar tab on the way out and didn’t bother to look back at Legend. He didn’t have the nerve to face down something that he wanted so badly but would never have.
He was almost to his bike when Legend shouted for him and Gen to stop. He looked across the parking lot to where Gen was fumbling through her purse and if he wasn’t mistaken, she was crying.
“Can you both come back over here, please?” Legend asked. He wasn’t really asking either of them, more like giving an order, and that turned Gavin completely inside out with need. Gavin put his helmet back on his bike and followed Gen back over to where Legend stood.
“What do you need, Myles?” she asked. Gavin saw the tears that streamed down her cheeks and God, she was breaking his heart. She really liked Legend.
“I want to go out with you on a date, Gen,” Legend admitted. Hearing him say that to her felt like a slap in the face to Gavin.
“Gee, thanks for calling me back over here to listen to you tell Gen that you want to accept her date offer,” Gavin spat. “This has been great.”
He turned to leave, and Legend shouted after him. “I want to go out with you too, Parker,” he said.
“Wait, how can you accept both of our date offers?” Gen asked.
“Because he’s bi, aren’t you?” Gavin asked.
“I am,” Legend admitted, “I like to date men and women, and I’m hoping that you feel the same way, Parker,” he said. Gavin was starting to figure out where Legend was heading with all of this.
“I do like to date men and women,” Gavin agreed. “Gen, would you like to go out with me?” he asked.
“I’m so confused,” Gen breathed. “I can’t go out with both of you.”
“Sure, you can,” Legend insisted. “We can go out together—all three of us.”
“How will that even work?” Gen asked. Gavin wasn’t sure if they were going to have to paint her a picture or just explain the basics to her. Either way, this was going to be fun.
“Are you attracted to Legend?” Gavin asked.
“Yes,” she breathed, smiling over at him.
“And are you attracted to Parker?” Legend asked.
“I mean, we just met, but yes—he’s handsome,” she admitted. Gavin puffed his chest out a bit, making them both laugh.
“Great,” Legend said, “I’m attracted to both of you.”
“Same,” Gavin quickly added, “so, we can all go out and see where this ends up. Are you up for that, Gen?” he asked.
“I have no idea,” she said, “but, I want to tell you that I am.”
“So then, say that,” Legend insisted.
She looked between them, seeming so unsure of what her answer should be. “All right,” she finally breathed. “I’ll go out with both of you, at the same time.”