Page 5 of Legend
“That a girl,” Gavin said. He was finally going to have a chance with the sexy guy he worked with over the past few months and now, he had the added bonus of having Gem along too. Following Legend into that bar was the best idea that he had had in a long time, and now, he had a date that he was finally looking forward to.
Myles spent the next few days at work, counting down the hours until his Saturday night date with Genesis and Gavin. After they all agreed to go out—the three of them exchanged numbers and had been texting. The few times he had seen either of them on base, he tried to playthings cool and pretend not to be a bundle of nerves just saying, “Hi” to them. But he was nervous and every day that he woke up closer to Saturday, the more nervous he became. His only saving grace was he had church Friday night at his club to take his mind off his date.
He walked into Savage Hell and was somewhat relieved to find Bowie behind the bar. He usually bartended on nights that they had church since Savage had other responsibilities as the club’s Prez. Myles wanted to fill his friend in on what had gone down last weekend between him and Genesis, and then, he’d tell him about the added bonus of Gavin throwing himself into the mix. If anyone would appreciate what Myles was going through with the nervous excitement of finally getting to date two people at once, it would be Bowie.
“Hey,” Myles said, sitting at the bar.
“How did you make out with that pretty bar fly you found here the other night?” Bowie asked.
“Actually, she wasn’t a bar fly,” Myles corrected.
“Right, she said that she works on base, is that right?” Bowie asked.
“Yeah, she’s a civilian contractor who apparently followed me here to ask me out,” Myles said.
“Wow, that’s a little bit scary and a little bit cool,” Bowie teased.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t really give off stalker vibes, so I think that I’m good,” Myles said.
“Who was the other guy who joined you two? Was he a friend from work? I’ve never really seen him around her before,” Bowie admitted.
“Yeah, he also followed me here from work. He wanted to ask me out and he kind of beat Gen to the punch. But then, we worked it all out in the parking lot, and well, the three of us have a date tomorrow night.”
“Together?” Bowie asked. “That’s awesome, man.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Myles said. “Here I was, sitting right in this spot complaining to you about my love life, or lack thereof, telling you that I wanted what you have with Savage and Dallas, and bam—the two of them show up that very same night.”
“Couldn’t have happened to a better guy,” Bowie said. “Listen, church is about to start. Are you staying?”
“Yeah, I’m sticking around for a while,” Legend agreed. If he went home now, all he’d do was sit around and wait for tomorrow. As soon as Savage called the meeting to order, the guys gathered around the bar and discussed old business. Myles tuned most of it out until they got to the part about new business and problems with a group called the Ghosts. Myles didn’t know much about them, other than the fact that they were bad news. He knew that a bunch of the guys in the club were FBI, CIA, and even military, like him.
Savage told them that one of their own, Spider, was still alive and seemed to be undercover, working for the Ghosts. He went on to explain that Spider was CIA and that they were to stay out of his way if he showed up around Savage Hell with the Ghosts. He was effectively off limits and Myles wondered who the hell this spider guy was. When he joined the Royal Bastards, Myles had caught on to some of the guys talking about one of their own who had a bike accident and was found dead in a ditch. If he wasn’t mistaken, Demon had witnessed the whole scene and reported it back to the club.
Over the past few months since Myles became a member of Savage Hell, he had learned to keep his nose out of other people’s business unless asked to stick it in. The guys would always have his backing if they needed it, but he didn’t get involved in their business unless they asked him to be. It was just better for everyone that way. No one wanted the new guy sticking his two cents in where it didn’t belong.
“Can we do anything to help Spider out?” Demon asked from the back of the room. Demon was the guy Savage sent in to help solve problems. If one of the guys needed help, most of the time, they were diverted to Demon by Savage to get his help.
“At this time, no,” Savage said. “He’s asked me to keep him out of our club’s business and I’m guessing that means our members too. He can’t blow his cover. There is a new guy who’s taken over the Ghosts and Spider is trying to take him down. He believes that this new guy is the last link to bringing down the whole human trafficking ring that they are running. For now, we sit by quietly and wait for him to ask for our help—if he needs it.”
“Why did he let us think he was dead all this time?” Ryder asked. He was the club’s pilot and someone who Myles greatly respected and liked. He was one of the first members to welcome Myles and treat him like one of their own from the start.
“I can’t honestly answer that,” Savage said. “All I know is that he’s CIA and is undercover to bring down the Ghosts. That’s all I need to know for now. I’m sure that when his assignment is over, he’ll fill us in on the rest.” The guys nodded and hummed their agreement. They were all loyal as hell to Savage and if he said to stand their ground and keep their mouths shut, they would. Hell, Myles knew that most of the guys would lay down their lives for their club’s Prez and he understood why. Savage was a good guy, through and through.
The meeting ended after a few more side notes and the guys all having a beer together. They were all just settling in, and all Myles wanted to do was get home and drop into his bed. He was exhausted and excited about his date coming up the next day. With any luck, his date would turn into a very long night—a guy could dream, right?
* * *
Myles woke up Saturday morning to someone pounding on his front door. He wanted to ignore the ruckus and rollover to go back to sleep, but the banging just got louder. “All right, I’m coming,” he shouted as he pulled on a pair of gym shorts and ran down the stairs to the front door. He pulled it open to find Savage mid-knock. “What the hell, man?” Myles asked.
“Sleeping in today, Legend?” Savage asked.
Myles checked his watch and sighed, “It’s only seven-thirty, man. And it’s a Saturday—one of the two days a week I get to sleep in. Cut me a break,” he grumbled, ushering his club’s Prez into his house, and shutting the door behind him.
“You’re military,” Savage reminded. “You should be up at the crack of dawn every morning.”
“Not how I’m programed, man,” Myles said. “I’m from the West Coast and maybe we’re just more chill out there. I’ve always loved my sleep and you’re interrupting it, Savage. So, you want to tell me what’s up while I make a pot of coffee?”