Page 6 of Legend
“Yeah, I take mine black,” Savage said. Myles shot him a look and he shrugged. “You want to be a good host, right?” he asked.
“Sure,” Myles lied. “I’d love to play the good host this morning. Why are you here?” he asked again. He probably sounded a little bit more pissed off than he planned, but Savage didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be finding this whole scene amusing as hell, especially since Myles didn’t find any of it to be funny.
“I need your help,” Savage said.
“Name it,” Myles quickly agreed. The one thing he had already learned about Savage Hell was that the guys never overlooked an opportunity to help each other out. It was just who they were, and when Savage asked for a favor, no one dared to tell him no.
“Actually, it’s not me who needs the favor, but Spider. I’m sure you heard me talking about him last night during church,” Savage reminded. He remembered Savage telling the guys about one of their members who had come back from the grave and was now undercover for the CIA in the Ghosts organization. He also remembered Savage warning them all to steer clear of Spider’s operation so that they didn’t blow his cover.
“Yeah, I thought that we were supposed to stand down when it came to Spider being undercover in the Ghosts,” Myles reminded.
“You’re right, but then, I got a call from Spider at three this morning, and he needs some help. Things have gone a little haywire over at the Ghosts warehouse. They got a shipment of women in before he thought they would, and he needs an extra set of eyes watching his back,” Savage explained.
“Why me?” Myles asked. “I work on base for the Army, not the CIA,” he said.
“Yeah, but you’re also Special Forces and have the skill set to help Spider out. Your commanding officer is a personal friend of mine, and I called in a few favors and got you some paid leave.”
“Wait—you fucking called my CO and got me time off?” he asked. “That wasn’t your place, Savage,” he growled.
Savage held up his hands as if trying to talk Myles down. “I get that and I’m sorry Legend. You see, it was one of those things where I had to act right away, and I didn’t want to wake you at three o’clock in the morning. Hell, you don’t seem to like the fact that I woke you at seven-thirty this morning. Spider was desperate. He needed a new face—someone the Ghosts wouldn’t recognize. He wants to hire you to work at the warehouse and cover his ass while he gathers the intel he needs to bring down the entire trafficking ring. You’re the newest guy we have in the club, and I know that I can trust you.”
“How the hell do you know that?” Legend asked.
“First, because you work on base, and I know your CO. He vouched for you, so you can’t be that bad. Plus, I do background checks on all the new guys before they patch in. With all the military and Federal employees who call my club home, I can’t be too careful.”
“Jesus, man,” Myles grumbled, “you really don’t have any respect for personal privacy, do you?” he asked.
“So, how about it? Will you do me a favor and help Spider out?” Savage asked, not answering Myles’s question about privacy.
“Well, since you put it like that, and have really left me no choice since you talked to my CO, I’ll do it. My only request is that I don’t have to go undercover. I won’t use a fake name and I won’t be staying anyplace but here. You want me, you got me—all of me, but I won’t hide.”
“That’s a shitty idea, man,” Savage warned. He knew that it probably was, but Myles wasn’t about to give up his life to go undercover to help some guy he didn’t even know. If Spider and Savage wanted his help, they’d have it, but under his conditions. He felt like his life was finally getting on track and to give it up now wasn’t an option for him. He wanted to see where this thing with Gavin and Genesis might end up and if he was working undercover, he couldn’t do that properly. He owed them his best.
“Take it or leave it, Savage,” Myles said.
“I think that you’re being fucking bullheaded, Legend, but I’ll take your offer. You just need to watch your six. If the Ghosts find out who you really are and where you live, you and everyone you know, and love are dead. They don’t play around, man,” Savage warned.
“I get that, but as you’ve pointed out, I’m Special Forces and can watch my six. Don’t worry, I won’t bring trouble to your doorstep,” he promised. “I’m well equipped to take care of myself.” He was too. It was what he had been trained to do during his time in the Army. If anyone could stay out of trouble, it was him. Myles liked to pride himself on being good at his job, and this would be no different.
“I appreciate the help, man,” Savage said. He held out his hand to Myles and he shook it.
“No problem, Savage,” he assured, although he was pretty sure that those words were going to come back and bite him in the ass. He’d worry about that later. Right now, he needed a few more hours of sleep and then, he’d get ready for his big date.
Genesis was nervous as hell about her date with not just one, but two men. How had she gotten herself into this mess? She asked her friend from base, Jodie, to stop over and help her pick out an outfit and do her makeup again. Jodie had dolled Gen all up before she walked into Savage Hell to confront Myles, and he seemed to like what he saw, so she thought that asking Jodie for her help again was a good idea.
Jodie showed up at four, right on time, and had her makeup case and a bottle of wine with her. “I thought that you might be able to use this too,” she said, holding up the bottle as she walked into Gen’s tiny apartment.
“I can,” she agreed, “my nerves are frazzled. I’m a wreck and I so appreciate you doing this for me again.”
“I don’t mind at all,” Jodie assured. “Plus, I get one-on-one girl time with you and that’s something I never get on a base full of mostly men—not that I’m complaining. The dating pool at work is kind of nice, right?” Gen wouldn’t know about the dating pool at work. Going out with Myles and Gavin was the first time she had dated anyone from Redstone Arsenal.
“I guess,” she agreed, “this is my first time dating anyone from work.”
“Well, I’d say that you’re starting off well then,” Jodie said. “I mean, you got two for the price of one. How exactly is this going to work again?” she asked. Honestly, Gen had no idea how any of this was going to work. She was too much of a chicken to outright ask one of the guys. She had been following Myles around like a puppy for months on base, and she only just met Gavin. So, asking either of them a bunch of questions and scaring them off wasn’t something she was willing to do.
“I’m not really sure,” Gen admitted. “I mean, I know that they are both bisexual, but that’s about all I know.”