Page 2 of Straight Dad
Ice baths.
Sprains, strains, and breaks.
Road rash.
Fucking concussion protocols.
My body can do anything.
I tell myself this over and over as I wobble on one leg, one bare foot resting on my chiseled calf.
“Deep breaths and lean forward,” the pixie says.
Lean, my ass. If I lean, I’ll topple, but I stretch through it and pretend my professional athlete body can do what her yoga one can. It’s not even close, but I pretend nonetheless.
Too weak to participate, my ass. Watch me, pixie-bitch.
Fucking watch me.
* * *
Unknown number:PT scheduled for 3:30.
Me:I’m with the trainers at 3:30.
Unknown number:According to the team medical staff, you’re with me at 3:30.
What the fuck?
I grind my teeth and head for Athletic Training. We have a dozen trainers who wrap us, stretch us, and work out the kinks.
I slide into the room and make my way to Jimmy.
“What’s up, Layton?”
“You up for stretching me?”
He looks around like I’m joking.
“Like… now?”
“Yeah.” I drop my bag at my feet and move to one of the tables set up through the room, hop on, and lie back.
“Anything hurting or tight?” Jimmy begins working.
“Right hamstring, but it’s always tight.”
This visit has two purposes. I want to be as limber as possible before I meet with the physical therapist and I need more info to know what I’m dealing with.
“Do you feel anything unusual in my stretches?”
“So far, everything feels good. I don’t get any resistance other than you’re cold and your range is less for it, but that’s okay.”
“Any reason I should see the PT about this ham?”