Page 18 of A Kind Wedding
I hadn't wanted to make him feel small. I had wanted to stop him from letting Mikael make a fool of him and the team. But he clearly wasn't seeing that. Instead, he lorded his authority over me, and it made me feel small.
I wondered why he'd even hired me. I remembered Naomi and how I’d gotten the job because he'd heard of me through her. Had I been part of some negotiation where she told him to hire me? The idea of that made me feel even smaller. I hadn’t been hired because of my skills but so Todd could appease his star coach, Naomi.
I was a token marketing person, but he wasn't going to use any of my ideas, so why should I stay? So I disengaged from the argument and was surprised to see disappointment in his expression when I did. That didn't stop him from baiting me, trying to get me angry again.
Then he stepped closer to me, and all the warning bells started chiming again. I did my best to heed them, but once his lips were on mine, the power to resist faded into nothing.
He carried me into the room and used his hands and lips to do the most delicious things to my body. It was like he was there for my pleasure and my pleasure only. When I tried to touch him, he’d stop me. So I gave in, letting him make me feel so good. In the back of my mind, I knew I’d regret this, but I pushed all that away. All the reasons this was wrong were gone just for this moment in time. If I hadn’t given in yet, I would have when he called me Elisabeth. It was so strange, the feeling that filled my chest to hear my real name from his lips. He said it in a way that made me feel revered. Special. Cherished.
I’d come twice already, but he was relentless as his tongue slid inside me, lapping at my sensitive walls. I was a whimpering, writhing heap of nerves ready to blast off again.
“Todd.” It was the only word I could seem to utter except the occasional “oh, God.”
“Come again. You taste divine, Elisabeth.”
“I want you inside me.” I wasn’t sure I’d be able to come again after this one, and I wanted to do it while he filled me.
“Fuck.” He groaned like he was uncertain.
In a shot, he moved up my body while pushing his boxers down. “Look at me, Elisabeth.”
I opened my eyes to find his intense as they looked down on me. And then he plunged. I gasped as the invasion sent shockwaves through my already sensitive pussy.
“So fucking good ...” he murmured as he slowly moved in and out of me. “Do you feel it? How good we are?”
I nodded because he wasn’t wrong. I couldn’t remember feeling things this intensely with my ex. Sex was fun, but it had been like scratching an itch. This, with Todd, felt so different, deeper, more powerful. I was quickly nearing the edge again.
“Fuck ... I can’t wait ...” he groaned. “Come on, baby ... come ... I want to feel you come.”
Like his words had been a command, a rush of pleasure consumed me. I held on tight to him, my legs wrapped around him as my world came apart.
“Yes!” he shouted, and then he gave himself free rein, driving hard and fast, and all of a sudden, I was coming again. Or maybe it was the same orgasm, just held up at a fever pitch.
With a final thrust, he collapsed on me. For a moment, I could only lie there, catching my breath. I felt like I had run a marathon at full sprint. I sucked in huge gulps of air as the endorphins coursed through my veins.
But as the shimmer of orgasm dissipated and my heartbeat returned to normal, so did the reality of what we’d done and how wrong it was. Maybe not for him, but definitely for me. He was my boss, which, if it got out that I’d slept with him, could make my life at work miserable. The minute it was learned a woman was sleeping with her boss, all her credibility went out the window. Nobody believed she had talent.
That thought led me to the reminder that Todd didn't recognize my talent as it was. He'd scrapped the billboard idea, and he totally went off script at the press conference. That meant only one thing. He was keeping me around because he wanted to have sex.
A wave of nausea threatened to bring up the contents of my stomach.
"Jesus fuck, that was amazing." He trickled kisses along my neck, which only made the sick feeling in my stomach worse.
I pushed him off me and scrambled out of the bed, looking around for my clothes in a panic.
He sat up and watched me. "What's wrong?"
I found everything but my panties. I hurriedly slipped into my skirt and jacket. I could barely breathe at the thought of what he'd turned me into.
I looked at him, willing myself not to cry, even though the tears sat on the very edges of my eyes. "I don't like being made to feel small either."
His expression was stricken. "What do you mean? What did I do?" He got out of the bed and walked toward me, not bothering to put on his clothes or wrap the sheet around him.
I held my hand in front of me to keep him from drawing nearer. "You only hired me because Naomi made you. And the only reason you keep me around is so you can fuck me." Again, a wave of nausea threatened.
He shook his head, and it looked almost as if panic was in his eyes. "That's not true. I mean, yes, Naomi asked me to hire you, but I wouldn’t have done it if you didn't have the experience and the talent."