Page 19 of A Kind Wedding
Maybe his words should have made me feel better, but they only made me feel worse. "Experience and talent that you don't use. You dismiss it, toss it aside. The only thing I have that you seem to really want is my body. I'm worth so much more than that."
He held his hands out like he was trying to corner a skittish cat. "You're right, Betts.”
Betts. Not Elisabeth.
“You are worth more. And you're right that I like having sex with you, but that's not why you work for me. I scrapped one idea, and I went off script tonight, but I haven’t axed anything else that you or the marketing team have done. Think about it." He nodded his head up and down like he was trying to get me to agree with him. “All that PR around Naomi winning the championship and continuing her career as a wife and a mother of triplets."
I scoffed. "We all know that you're happy to have any story about Naomi, even if it isn't true."
He let out a desperate grunt. "The story wasn't my idea, though. It was yours. I value your work, Betts. My being attracted to you is completely separate. I understand your concerns around it, I really do. But that doesn't stop me from wanting you."
Again, his words gave me a little flutter of positivity that I quickly pushed away because this was all wrong.
"What do I have to do to make you understand that I do value your work? I meant it when I said I wouldn't accept your resignation."
"I need you to listen to me when I tell you about a good campaign and to stick to the script."
His head bobbed up and down. "Okay."
"And I can't help you with Mikael anymore. You have to find somebody else for that."
His jaw tightened, telling me he didn't like that idea. "I've agreed to your demands. So whatever you say around Mikael, we’ll do."
I shook my head because the problem in working with his and Mikael's campaign wasn't about marketing. It was about being in proximity to Todd.
"I can't do this right now." It was exceedingly difficult to have a serious conversation with Todd while he was standing buck naked and my hormones were starting to take notice. "We can talk about it at the office."
Not bothering to continue to look for my panties, I found my purse and exited the suite.
When I got home, I stripped and got into the shower, washing the entire night, and especially Todd, off me. I stood with my head under the spray, wondering how I'd gotten here.
In the library, I’d had some drinks, so I blamed being tipsy for my inhibition and inability to resist Todd. Yes, I had a drink at the bar tonight before going up to the suite, but I wasn't tipsy.
By the time he kissed me, I was stone-cold sober, and yet I was powerless to stop him. The minute his mouth covered mine, it was as if I was intoxicated by him. The guy was a master with his lips and his hands. He could be both demanding and gentle, sometimes all at the same time. He made my body feel things I’d never felt while having sex before. He made me want to do things to him I had never considered doing with a man.
And when I came, it was like being shot out of a rocket and sent soaring into heaven. It was powerful, intense, hitting something deep inside my soul. And heaven help me, I wanted to do it again.
Fortunately, my pride was more important. That and the knowledge that sleeping with my boss would only lead to more trouble. I'd been through enough heartache and challenges in the last year and a half. I didn't want to do anything to bring on more of it, and sleeping with my boss would definitely bring on more.
I exited the shower and put on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top and went to get a glass of wine. God, the man was driving me to drink.
Once I finished my glass, I decided to call it a night and went to bed. As I lay in the cool sheets in the darkness of my room, the memory of Todd's touch tried to take root, but I fought it, pushing it away.
Todd was right in that I couldn't just up and quit my job. So I was going to have to do everything I could to avoid him at work. I'd make sure I wasn't on the project with Mikael. And while I diligently fulfilled my duties, I would begin the hunt for a new job.
There had been times in my life when I’d behaved like an asshole. But deep down, I knew I was a good guy. That is, until Betts accused me of completely dismissing her talent as my employee solely for the purpose of fucking her.
As the door shut behind her in the hotel and I sank to the edge of the bed, I had to seriously consider that maybe I was an asshole. Not just sometimes, but deep down in my soul.
Her words horrified me because I could see that she truly believed them. I knew what it felt like to be used and abused because I had let Taylor do it to me for years. It felt like shit, and while I didn’t think I was the sort of man to do that, clearly, I had. I had to consider that I wasn't just an asshole, but a selfish one. Hadn't I made seducing her a project? God. Did it get more douchey-asshole than that?
There was no doubt that I was going to have to apologize, and a part of me wanted to run after her and do it right this minute. But I had the feeling that the sight of me would only bring her more hurt. I would give her time so the emotions weren't so raw.
I got dressed and left the hotel, leaving my room keys at the desk. I headed home and climbed into bed, the entire time replaying my behavior and terrified of the man she thought I was ... of who I might be.