Page 23 of Ace
“Okay, just as long as you stay in the clubhouse.”
“Got it,” Piper shouts over her shoulder, saluting.
Lucy is sitting at the bar, looking annoyed. She stares us both up and down and whistles low. “Damn, you ladies are looking hot.”
“We’re dressing to kill. Mainly your brother,” says Piper, glancing around the bar until she finds her target. Hulk is staring straight at her, his eyes burning into her bare flesh.
“Well, he looks mighty pissed right now,” points out Lucy. She then turns her attention to me. “And who are you impressing tonight, Miss Mae?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Just coming along for the ride.”
“Pity we’re on lockdown because I think you’d find yourself a man tonight dressed like that.” I smile. If only she knew that the only man I want, is her father. The thought brings on that aching feeling again, so I order us each a drink to take the edge off.
We take a seat, ignoring Hulk’s burning glares from across the room. I’m not sure why he won’t just admit that he likes Piper way more than he lets on. He has serious commitment issues, but it’s written all over his face that he wants her. Maybe he’s just like his father, wanting the best of both worlds.
“Tag’s driving me insane.” Lucy sighs. “How come I have to stay here on lockdown, and he gets to go out?”
“Go out where?” I ask.
“To a fight. I hate it when he fights, but he says he can’t give it up. He loves it too much, and without it, he can’t cope. Thinks he’ll go crazy and start being all aggressive. I mean, what the fuck?”
“Well, maybe it helps tame his inner aggressive beast?” Piper shrugs. “He deals with a lot of violence.”
“He’s the one who’s most in danger yet he gets to leave the club. It makes no sense.”
“He’s Mafia, Luce. He’s protected,” I say.
“Well, he wasn’t protected the last time his father tried to have him killed.” She makes a good point, and I decide to close my mouth. She’s clearly pissed-off at the moment. She finishes her drink and says, “Anyway, I’m going to bed to sleep off this mood. I love you both. Enjoy the rest of your night, if that’s even possible when you’re stuck here.” She kisses us both on the cheek and then leaves.
“I hope Tag has a lead. It’d be nice to be off lockdown,” says Piper. Lucy is new to this life, and it’s quite possible that Tag is following up a lead and the fight is a cover-up so Lucy doesn’t worry. Glancing around the room, I notice there are a lot of bikers not here, so it’s a possibility.
We grab a bottle of wine and sit by the window. I know the moment Ace comes out of his office because my skin prickles like it does whenever he’s nearby. My breathing quickens and I try to calm myself. Piper confirms that he’s around by whispering and nudging me. I drink the rest of my wine and force myself to stare at Piper so I don’t look for him.
“Oh my god,” hisses Piper.
“What?” I ask desperately. She looks so annoyed.
“Nothing, don’t look,” she orders, but the expression on her face causes me to scan the room until I see what she’s warning me from. Angel is walking behind him, fastening her shirt up. It’s clear from their flustered faces and ruffled hair what’s been going on in that office. “Oh Mae,” mumbles Piper sympathetically, “try not to get upset.”
I square my shoulders and give her an unconvincing smile. “It’s fine. We aren’t together, remember.”
“I know but—” I hold up my hand so she doesn’t finish her sentence. I don’t need to cry again.
“Honestly, Piper, it’s fine. That’s what I call a lucky escape.”
I watch as they approach the bar, laughing together. Angel takes every opportunity to lean into him as he orders her a drink. Once they each have one, Ace turns and scans the room. Our eyes meet, and for a second, he looks guilty, but it soon passes. He pushes off the bar and heads my way. “Don’t leave this club,” he orders.
“We’re not going to. We’re looking for a good time here tonight, Pres,” Piper tells him. She adds a wink to get her point across, and Ace turns to me.
“Anyone in particular, Mae? I can put a good word in for you.”
“She doesn’t need any words when she looks this fucking hot,” says Piper, smiling wide. “Pity you blew it, Pres.” I glare at her. The last thing I want is for her to antagonise him.
“Piper, your mouth keeps running off at me, and so far, I’ve let it slide, but if you continue, I might have to remind you who the fuck I am,” growls Ace, glaring down at her.
I stand, scraping back my chair and bringing Ace’s attention to me. His eyes fall to my breasts. This top pushes them up, so it’s hard not to notice them. “Sorry, Pres, she’s had a drink. I’ll get her some air.” I take Piper by the arm, all the while feeling Ace’s eyes on me. I walk a little more sexier, making sure my arse sways. “You really have to stop pissing him off, Piper. There are other ways to get to Ace.”
“Well, he pisses me off too.” She pouts, and I smile.